A few things came to mind. You and your husband are not pastors or elders of
this church. Therefore you are not responsible for the other church members.
As man and wife you have a responsibility to each other.
The other church members are responsible for themselves. They have to make
their own decision as to whether to stay or leave this church.
So what im saying is that it is up to each church member and each couple
to decide what it right for themselves in this situation.
If you both decide to stay at this church. Then you will have to “put up and shut up”.
If you decide you cannot do that, then leave. It really is that simple.
Oh I know this will shock some but going to church (while it is a good thing to do)
is not the be all and end all of the Christian faith. You won’t go to hell for not going to
a church. You won’t lose your salvation for not going to church. There are other options
like on line churches. On line services.
Someone mentioned setting up a house group, sounds a good idea if you have
like minded friends.
I went to a church years ago. It was good to start off with but many years later
it went sour. There was bickering, different groups and ideas about how people
thought things should be run. It was a toxic situation. Several people left.
I hung on for a while longer, I knew these people they were friends I felt if I went
I would be betraying them in some way, like betraying the church. In the end I could
not put up with it any longer so I left. It was the best thing I ever did, it had
become a dead church.
That church declined even further after until only a handful of the original old people
were left. They didn’t have the resources to maintain the building so it fell apart.
Eventually a leaking roof forced the remaining people to vacate the building.
They still met up for a while in a local village hall.
The original building then got vandalised and later set on fire. It’s been demolished
now for a few years.
As to the people meeting in the village the older people have
either since died or are too infirm to go to church. A new minister came and seems
to have turned it around. There is now a new congregation of people of all ages.
They still meet in the village hall as they have nowhere else to go.
Im sad by what happened it was a big part of my life in my teens and 20s. But I
can’t help thinking about the Israelites in the wilderness. They were set in their
ways, there was no helping them to change. So they were destined to walk
around the wilderness for 40 until most of the original group had died off.
Only then with new generations could God begin to do a fresh work.
My old church was like that, it was stagnant, unhealthy, too many bosses
each pushing their own idea.
If your church is not going, growing and glorifying God, then get out.
That is motto of my new church Going (moving forward spiritual, reaching
out to others, etc). Growing, Glorifying God.