I have a lot of gay friends. Male and one is female-she is Bi. I treat them just the same as I would treat a straight person. With love and respect. I tell them about God and that He loves them no matter who they are or what they've done. That they can come before him and not have guilt or shame because He is a loving and merciful God. They should be treated just as any other person is treated. I mean yes the Bible says it's an sin but the Bible also says that lust, hatred, anger, adultry, murder, and many other things are sins. We people that call ourselves Christians daily harbor those feelings and commit those sins, but we aren't treated like we are dirty, and not accepted. I really also think our Church, the Body of Christ, needs to turn away from the ways they are walking in. Our churches are so quick to judge and not accept gay people into them. They have no business calling themselves Christians then. If we are made in the likeness of Jesus, then were are called to LOVE EVERYONE. The Bible says if we just love then lovable, does that mean we deserve a medal? If we just greet those who greet us, what does that make us? The run of the mill sinner does that. I don't know if they should be considered broken people or not. Not many of the ones I know seem to be that way. I just think they feel as though they are born that way. And if they feel that way, then so be it. That is between them and God and we have no business condemning them for it. Like one girl said up here, we are not their judge, God is. So the answer to your question of "how should you act with/around gay people?" act in love and mercy, treat them like they are human beings, because that's what they are. Like everyone else, no different from you and me.