I used to attend an adult Sunday school class titled "Kingdom of the Cults" Dr. Walter Martin thd. The title was more of a tease because the U.S.A. fits the definition well and, so it drew alot of conspiracy theorists to fill the room. The class was really about mainly, how to identify a cult and what to do if a loved one gets involved with one, not becomes a cult member but rather comes under its influence. The first things that come to my mind now days are, Jonestown, Waco, The children of God sex cult, Mooneys and to a lesser extent, Scientologists, RCC, JWs and LDS. Not all cults conscern themselves with spiritual or pseudo spiritual matters. The key elements are,A; they try and convince their victims [subjects] that their way of thinking, is the only 'right way' to think B; they try and segregate their victims from the majority then C; the brainwashing can start. Aside from the popular definitions of cults, there many others. Drug cults, motorcycle cults, music cults, the Nazis are a cult. If all of the news they listen to is RT or Al Jazeera and all the political advice someone accepts comes from Richard Wolf or Noam Chomsky he/she, they may be under the influence of a cult. Note; I'm just talking about those who have segregated unto others that all think the same, listen to the same rhetoric and THINK they worship the same God. That' called BRAINWASHING, weather it comes from Cheech& Chong or Fox news.