That's one of them. Women (plural) are to be silent during worship (indicating men are also present)- that means a group is assembled together, not one person by themselves. I was once in a dying church, the attendance dwindled down to nothing. Then i moved to a different congregation. I was so encouraged by how many were attending there. Now how could they encourage and exhort if they're not even there to do so?
I have had more than one congregation within the same city. There's only one church, but there can be more than one congregation of it within the same city. Sure there are many man-made branch-off churches, if you want your worship to be in vain. "They worship Me in vain, their doctrine is merely human rules."
I think the head covering is long hair, and that if a woman does not have hair due to no fault of her own, such as chemo, she should cover it with something else. Today we have wigs if anything, scarves, hats, etc, so there's no excuse for a bald lady in the worship assembly.