"The fact is the Church has changed , dropped, and made up new teachings"
Name one.
Name one.
There's a fairly long list here of extra-biblical teachings , 53 of them:
There's one I mentioned earlier about the contradiction between the council of constance in 1415 forbidding wine for laity
in 1415 AD the Council of Constance decreed that the laity could no longer drink of the cup, but the bread alone, two Popes condemned such a "half communion":
Gelasius [492-496] complains: † "That some received the bread, but abstained from the cup; whom he condemns as guilty of superstition, and orders that they should either receive in both kinds, or else be excluded from both, because one and the same mystery cannot be divided without grand sacrilege." Leo the Great [440-461] denounces them with equal vehemence:‡ "They receive the body of Christ," says he, "with unworthy mouth, but refuse to drink the [p. 193] blood of our redemption, such men's sacrilegious dissimulation being discovered, let them be marked, and by the authority of the priesthood cast out of the society of the faithful." Gelasius was a respectable pontiff, but Leo the Great deserved his title: he was one of the ablest churchmen, and most celebrated popes that ever lived, and his condemnation of half communion in Catholic eyes should strip it of all authority.
It also goes against Christ's own command in Matthew 26:27 to "drink from it, all of you"