Sadly, he has already done that, thats why so many are confused, even when they think they know it.
Satan has been decieving man since the garden. And man keeps buying the same old story, over and over, a distorted gospel. Added with some self righteousness. And you may be saved, but be careful. Because if your not. You can lose your salvation. (Even thugh you coould never Earn your salvation to begin with) the greatest lie ever told. Yet people buy it continually.
Satan has been decieving man since the garden. And man keeps buying the same old story, over and over, a distorted gospel. Added with some self righteousness. And you may be saved, but be careful. Because if your not. You can lose your salvation. (Even thugh you coould never Earn your salvation to begin with) the greatest lie ever told. Yet people buy it continually.
Gen. 3:1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
The serpent first convinced Eve that it knew God, that it knew God's Words. This is consistent with the theme through out the bible that it isn't Godless, heathens that caused God's people the most harm, but others who claim to know the same god as we do.
4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
The next thing the serpent did was convince Eve that she was already saved. Already immortal. This is very important to understand this is how the serpent deceives. It make men think they have "Peace, Peace, when there is no people. The Bible also confirms this thoughout it's Words.
5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
Then it goes in for the kill. It convinces Eve that God's Instructions are against her. That He doesn't care for her. That he wants her to remain imprisoned by unjust commands, and to keep her "Burdened" and "Blind". And that if she would just listen to her new friend, he would "FREE her from the burdensome unjust instructions of a god who really doesn't care for her.
Of course God didn't create instructions impossible to follow, or instructions that would keep us blind and in prison. But there are a lot of religious people who believe just that.
Thanks be to the Messiah for spelling this deception out to us from the very beginning so we can be on guard for such preaching.
Praise Him whose Word's Last Forever.
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