These are the three persons of the Trinity and although they look different the same as ice, water and steam look different, in reality the three persons of the Trinity are the One God who is with us in heaven and on earth.
One molecule of H20 cannot be liquid, solid and gas at the same time.
The trinity is a construe of man, which is based upon there being three separate and distinct persons, which they claim the Father is not the Son who is not the Holy Spirit who is not the Father nor the Son, they don't each share their Divinity with the other but rather each are Divine in and of themselves, who share the same nature.
Thus, only three molecules of water can be liquid, solid and gas at the same time in which you each molecule of water are separate and distinct from the other H20 molecules, but in these three states of liquid, solid and gas, the molecules of water all share the same nature, being H20.
In such the trinity doctrine doesn't hold any water as far a being the word of truth, hence Jesus taught marvel not ye must be born again of water and Spirit. Those who can hear the wind blow are those who are born of the Spirit because they lack water.
Hence Genesis 7:22, "All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died."