Millions already chipped! RFID 666 Mark of the Beast Technology but not the official Mark of the Beast. Still though, this very technology should be avoided at all costs.
Video Description:
PLEASE WATCH THE ENTIRE VIDEO! You should NEVER receive a microchip implant, as this offers a pathway to the world wide web (the matrix). All data collected by microchips can be uploaded and absorbed into the web, and that is their objective. There are Youtube channels and Christian leaders now telling their subscribers that it's okay to receive an RFID chip implant because microchips are not the Mark of the Beast.
Video Description:
PLEASE WATCH THE ENTIRE VIDEO! You should NEVER receive a microchip implant, as this offers a pathway to the world wide web (the matrix). All data collected by microchips can be uploaded and absorbed into the web, and that is their objective. There are Youtube channels and Christian leaders now telling their subscribers that it's okay to receive an RFID chip implant because microchips are not the Mark of the Beast.
Also if the chip or somthing similar is the mark , Why would Satan play by the rules? The beast knows scripture better than any human . Would not the father of lies ,murder,and trickery just chip you up without you knowing?
That and what is on our heads or hands can be understood as what we think and do . Kinda like how a certain ceo of a tec firm lost a company after he donated money to organization that wanted to keep marriage between a man and a woman. He lost his livelihood . He was forced out for not conforming to the world . No chip needed for that .
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