I gave you the BIBLICAL reasons/Scriptures to disprove your views........Either you accept the Word of God, or you pervert it, right?
Not as simple as that in reality, no.
Somebody tells you something, and says it's supported by the Bible.
You either:
a. Take their interpretation as gospel
b. Read it yourself, and trust God to reach into your life and bring you to the message
c. After doing b, you either
c1. Genuinely don't understand the message, and know you don't understand, or
c2. Genuinely feel that you understand, but without knowing it have misunderstood.
c3. Have understood correctly (genuinely), but seek to pervert the word either for your own gain, control, or something else.
It's like my other thread on tithing.
There were people on that thread quoting Malachi, saying it's absolutely necessary to tithe and that anybody who doesn't is stealing from God.
Then there were others who said that Malachi was God talking to Israel about something other than bringing in 10% of your gross monetary income into your local Church, and that we are no longer under the old covenant.
They can't both be right, so who was perverting God's word there...?
Biblical or culture/tradition is the point.