wow...all the ''as far as the pictures are concerned it's okay''...that's just...I'm sorry I disagree. Yes they may be married,but you don't know where those pics could end up...a glitch in the system,the husband could send them to anyone,she might send them to others who knows. Not saying either of them would,and that's just a general statement as well. I don't believe it's okay to send naked pics of oneself to the spouse,boyfriend,girlfriend,whatever the case may be. God gave us one another to be together in person,not photos,etc. in a provocative manner. The pics of oneself even if it's to the one you're married to,is just wrong. That's porn in itself. Even if two people are married,no matter how ''private'' it may be or they THINK it may be. I know most will disagree,and that's okay I respect your right to your own opinion. However this is mine and I stand firmly upon it. God bless each of you.