Hi saints, Potter here just wanted to share a teaching I heard yesterday that touched my heart deeply. May God be praised if it answers and touches yours.
Question always asked why a loving God allows evil in this world is answered with this question.
Do you think that if you could take all the hurt from a child or loved one and never let them suffer any loss, discouragement, frustration, lonelyness, grief, hurt, or sickness that they would grow up normal? Would they have compassion? Would they learn to love?
The Lord can rebuke any storm on the horizon. But sometimes he wants to bring us threw it. He wants to touch our hearts to soften them to mold and shape us. Sometimes he needs to break us so he can mend us.
As Jesus came to suffer on the cross he also was tempted as we are. To be bitter, angry, discouraged, lonely, rejected, hated. If God did not spare his son should you be spared?
That's what it means to pick up your cross and follow daily. Jesus knows how hard it is. How our emotions get the best of us. How weak we really are.
In this world you will suffer many tribulations but be of good cheer I have over come this world.
For the glory that was set before him he endured the cross. What are you looking at?
Question always asked why a loving God allows evil in this world is answered with this question.
Do you think that if you could take all the hurt from a child or loved one and never let them suffer any loss, discouragement, frustration, lonelyness, grief, hurt, or sickness that they would grow up normal? Would they have compassion? Would they learn to love?
The Lord can rebuke any storm on the horizon. But sometimes he wants to bring us threw it. He wants to touch our hearts to soften them to mold and shape us. Sometimes he needs to break us so he can mend us.
As Jesus came to suffer on the cross he also was tempted as we are. To be bitter, angry, discouraged, lonely, rejected, hated. If God did not spare his son should you be spared?
That's what it means to pick up your cross and follow daily. Jesus knows how hard it is. How our emotions get the best of us. How weak we really are.
In this world you will suffer many tribulations but be of good cheer I have over come this world.
For the glory that was set before him he endured the cross. What are you looking at?
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