This is Sara's mom, Sue. Yesterday we were encouraged when we left for church. Sara stated that she wanted to join the youth group and following church she said she had enjoyed being there this time and had seen some friends she doesn't see at school. We went for lunch and following that Sara said she needed to talk to me. Apparently, she had decided to tell me she had tried pot a few times because a mother (who is a friend of mine) told Sara she would tell me if Sara didn't. It was a hard thing to hear because her father and I never had any idea. She stated she hadn't used much and it only made her feel silly. She also said the last time she had done it was at the home of the girl she had left with last Friday after school and didn't let us know where she was for several hours.
This has been very disconcerting because now we do not know who to let her be with or where she can go. We are going to one of our son's traveling soccer team games this weekend and it will require our being gone overnight. We had arranged for Sara to stay at another friend's house but have been told this is a girl who can get pot, too. Sara knows she can't stay there but would like to go to a second friend's whose parents we do trust. Do we let her do that? Of course, my mother and father would let her stay with them. They (gma67) are aware of all this. Making Sara go to the soccer games would only make her a sullen presence there. She says she won't do this again but my trust has been shaken. Thanks for your thoughts.