He (God) turns our mourning into dancing (Ps 30:11)
Praise His name with dancing! (Ps 149:3)
Praise Him with timbral and dancing! (Ps 150:4) ~ should be timbale, eh?
There is a time to mourn ... a time to dance! (Eccles 3:4)
David was dancing before the Lord! (2 Sam 6:14) (Hah! - and David was called "a man after God’s own heart!" In addition, Jesus himself hailed that he was a direct descendant of you guessed it –David’s!)
So those Scriptures tell us the following: God loves to see us dancing! When we are sad, He can turn it into dancing! We are told to worship Him with dancing! There is a time in life we SHOULD dance! So YES! Dance, dance, dance!!!!!
now if you are dancing in a manner that looks like you are having sex on the floor, yes you should stay away from that stuff and keep in mind that it is being viewed by God. set an example of Christ by living it. but as far as just letting loose in a clean way> GO FOR IT!