We all (reportedly) worship the same God, are saved by the same Savior, and seek the wisdom of the same Holy Spirit.
So why do we come out of that with COMPLETELY different and opposing interpretations of the same scriptures?
Well? Although, Jesus stated that in order to be His Disciple, one must "pick up your cross, and follow Me?" Ones' "cross", is not some wooden beam, that one can say for a certainity, "That's what it is!"
Tis a little
(?) more complex, and complicated then that.
In "venues" such as here? There are believer's, and unbelievers, and those who have never even "picked up their cross", and those who teach, that "it's not
required to pick up your cross."
And, those who have "picked up their cross."
And, arguments and dissent even with and upon those who
have picked up their (own) cross. And, every "tangent", that is able to be taken, from that which I just typed above. As is fairly evident. Especially here, in the BDF forum.
As Christians? We should help one another bare their burden/s (cross). Right?
One of the
first things one must do, in picking up one's cross, when God asks you "what are you doing?" He knows what such and such an author of the latest best-selling book has to say about any particular subject regarding the faith. He also knows what
you have to say about it also. So, don't go and "quote" that which someones
else says. Tell Him, what's in your heart/mind/soul/spirit/flesh. Like I said, it's not that He
doesn't KNOW already. It's He
wants to
hear YOUR "view", or "testimony!"
actually, a pretty humbling experience.
It's burdens
such like this? That no Christian
SHOULD bare for another.