You were the one who accused me of being two other people on another thread which was an error or lie. Which you have never even given a hint of remorse for.....NEVER! Now you want me to think you are not doing the same? If you wish to prove your accusation then do so. Otherwise this is chatter.
Honestly, to all who sadly are reading this display;
Where is the charity?
Where is the brotherly kindness?
Where is the honor?
Where is the desire to restore?
Where is the hope?
Where is the desire to build up?
Where is the Patience?
Where is the goodness
Where is the self control?
Where is even a shred of worldly decency?
Anyone who doesn't have these things cannot be effective and productive in their knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, rather they are nearsighted and blind and: HAVE FORGOTTEN THAT HE HAS EVER BEEN CLEANSED FROM PAST SINS! 2Pe 1:8-9
Honestly, to all who sadly are reading this display;
Where is the charity?
Where is the brotherly kindness?
Where is the honor?
Where is the desire to restore?
Where is the hope?
Where is the desire to build up?
Where is the Patience?
Where is the goodness
Where is the self control?
Where is even a shred of worldly decency?
Anyone who doesn't have these things cannot be effective and productive in their knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, rather they are nearsighted and blind and: HAVE FORGOTTEN THAT HE HAS EVER BEEN CLEANSED FROM PAST SINS! 2Pe 1:8-9
Certain people have been given, or have "assumed", a "type" of "governing role", or may even consider themselves as being above reproach, and/or critisism, in and, one may even consider it "censuring", concerning spiritual matters, of the which, they really don't have a clue about. Especially, matters concerning the "end of the age." To which they have already reconciled themselves, that this happens when our flesh bodies are viewing the business side of a lawnmower. Never considering, nor condoning, that the "God in their boxes", would never even consider doing ANYTHING beyond their "collective sphere" of understanding, or interpretation/s! IOW? Continuing the perpetuation of "Group think!"
This activity, gives ample cause in being, or becoming suspicious. The warning from Jesus Himself? "Let no man deceive you!" MUST come to ones' consideration. Myself included!
News Flash!! When the "Angels" of The "Lord of the Harvest" brings one to Him? While the individual is still "sucking air", so to speak?
Guess WHAT!
This current "earth/heaven age" has ended, for that individual!
Don't take me wrong here, however. This "governing body", whether granted, or given, this from the admins of this site, and who knows? They may even be the admins of this site, in sheeps/wolves clothing. Whichever, any certain situation may, or in many cases? May not warrant!
In this "venue" called "internet?" It would come as NO surprise to me, if "some" of these people are even taking a salary from "the government!" The "admins" may not even be cognizant of these goings on!
Having said this. Sometimes? They are a useful "tool!" Most times? They can and have provided QUITE the distraction, as well as deflection/s in their deterring the "growing of the Kingdom of God!"
I cannot, nor shall I try and prove these "allegations." The "picking up of one's cross", shall, in time, cause them in exposing themselves as such.
One need only peruse the book of Enoch, in understanding the depth these "petitioners" to the Most High, via Enoch, went in their pleadings! The "reply", was 70 WEEKS! So, it appears that their collective effort/s, is to "NEVER" GET to the 70th WEEK! While during the "interim?" Cycle after cycle of kingdoms and civilizations risings and falling's? Knowledge walking "hand in hand" with wickedness, which "snowballs" apostasy? CONTINUES!
Which brings me to "licentous" remarks, I never stated, nor inferred. Yet, were perceived as such, by some!
Another term you should become familiar with during your stay in BDF.
Is "Strawman!"
Which is to the best of my understanding? The art of standing strong on a single point of an argument, which is true! Whilst simultaneously, at the same time, shoving the rest of their argument down one's throat!
Much akin, in these eyes, anyways, of one trying to remove a gnat from one's eye, and inserting a camel!
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