Cold and cough, you say? Wery easy think. And temperaturei s normal? Well, you can do many things.
For first, you can dring tea with honey and lemon... But, let the tea to cool slightly before you pour the lemon juice and honey there, because othewise you demage all the vitamins.
Or you can make so called "hot lemonade" - It is again honey and lemon juice together with the lemon pulp and hot (not boiling) water (some people in my country even put there some plum brandy but this is not for children, mothers and most of Christians
Other possibility is onion sirup - this is against cough - take larger onion, cut down the tips and hollow it out, than put about a teaspoon of sugar inside the onion and place it to a pan with a little bit of water and boil slightly. You will get the sirup. Dont be affraid, it is nicely sweet
For cold you can exhale eukalyptus oil or chamomile, but remember, that cold is viral and it usually takes about 1 week no matter how you remedy it or not.