Recommended reading, March 2011 AD.
1. Kung, Hans. (2001). The Catholic Church: A Short History. Translated by John Bowden. New York: A Modern Library Chronicles Book / The Modern Library.
2. Gillquist, Peter E. (1979). The Physical Side of Being Spiritual. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.
3. Guettee, Abbe, D.D. (n.d). The Papacy: Its Historic Origin and Primitive Relations with the Eastern Churches. Translated from the French. New York: Minos Publishing Company. Orig. ed., Buffalo, NY, 1866.
4. Harakas, Stanley Samuel. (1987). The Orthodox CHurch: 455 Questions and Answers. Minneapolis, MN: Light & Life Publishing Company.
5. Metzger, John B., M.A. The Tri-unity of God Is Jewish. A Theological Study of the Plurality and Tri-unity of God in the Hebrew Scriptures. April, 2005. Jewish Awareness Ministries, Jewish Awareness Ministries - Proclaiming the Messiah - Praying for Israel Promises to Israel | Messiah | Jewish | Israel News Updates
6. The Faith of the Early Fathers, Volume One. Selected and Translated by W.A. Jurgens. Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 1970.
7. Archbishop Chrysostomos. (2001). Orthodox and Roman Catholic Relations From the Fourth Crusade to the Hesychastic Controversy. Etna, CA: Center For Traditionalist Orthodox Studies.
8. Ruse, Michael. (2009). Defining Darwin: Essays on the History and Philosophy of Evolutionary Biology. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.
9. Yazykova, Irina. (2010). Hidden and Triumphant: The Underground Struggle to Save Russian Iconography. Paul Grenier, trans. Brewster, MA: Paraclete Press.
10. Cronk, George. (1990). The Message of the Bible: An Orthodox Christian Perspective.
Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press. EASTERN ORTHODOX
11. Schaeffer, Frank. (2002). Dancing Alone: The Quest For Orthodox Faith in the Age of False Religions. Salisbury, MA: Regina Orthodox Press. EASTERN ORTHODOX
12. Azkoul, Father Michael. (2000). Once Delivered To The Saints: An Orthodox Apology For The New Millennium. Seattle, WA: Saint Nectarios Press.
"RAPTURE. Question: What do we believe about the rapture and the Second Coming? L.K., Williamsport, PA.
"The Orthodox teaching is that Jesus Christ will return at an unknown time and in a way we are not able to fully understand, to judge the living and the dead. We do not speculate any further about how and when this will take place. Our main concern is to be always ready, spiritually, for the event, but to avoid making efforts to understand the details of it. ... Our teaching, therefore, rejects curious and unfounded efforts to peer into the future and sketch out some kind of end-time plans. We do not even use the non-scriptural word "rapture" when we do talk about the end-times. Not so among many Protestants. great controversies occur among some fundamentalist and Evangelical Protestants on this topic and there are all kinds of so0called "Dispensationalist" theories which use obscure phrases of the book of Revelation to form Millenniarianist teachings which purport to describe in detail what will happen at the end of the world, when Christ returns. Some of these hold that prior to the coming of Christ for the Last Judgment, He will return secretly in order to grant the "rapture" to His "elect." Needless to say these views are only by the greatest stretch of the imagination supported by the Scriptures, and not at all found in the ongoing Holy Tradition of the Church." Stanley Samuel Harakas, The Orthodox Church: 455 Questions and Answers. (pages 271-272).
GOD SAVE US. AMEN. In Erie PA Scott R. Harrington March 12, 2011 AD
1. Kung, Hans. (2001). The Catholic Church: A Short History. Translated by John Bowden. New York: A Modern Library Chronicles Book / The Modern Library.
2. Gillquist, Peter E. (1979). The Physical Side of Being Spiritual. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.
3. Guettee, Abbe, D.D. (n.d). The Papacy: Its Historic Origin and Primitive Relations with the Eastern Churches. Translated from the French. New York: Minos Publishing Company. Orig. ed., Buffalo, NY, 1866.
4. Harakas, Stanley Samuel. (1987). The Orthodox CHurch: 455 Questions and Answers. Minneapolis, MN: Light & Life Publishing Company.
5. Metzger, John B., M.A. The Tri-unity of God Is Jewish. A Theological Study of the Plurality and Tri-unity of God in the Hebrew Scriptures. April, 2005. Jewish Awareness Ministries, Jewish Awareness Ministries - Proclaiming the Messiah - Praying for Israel Promises to Israel | Messiah | Jewish | Israel News Updates
6. The Faith of the Early Fathers, Volume One. Selected and Translated by W.A. Jurgens. Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 1970.
7. Archbishop Chrysostomos. (2001). Orthodox and Roman Catholic Relations From the Fourth Crusade to the Hesychastic Controversy. Etna, CA: Center For Traditionalist Orthodox Studies.
8. Ruse, Michael. (2009). Defining Darwin: Essays on the History and Philosophy of Evolutionary Biology. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.
9. Yazykova, Irina. (2010). Hidden and Triumphant: The Underground Struggle to Save Russian Iconography. Paul Grenier, trans. Brewster, MA: Paraclete Press.
10. Cronk, George. (1990). The Message of the Bible: An Orthodox Christian Perspective.
Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press. EASTERN ORTHODOX
11. Schaeffer, Frank. (2002). Dancing Alone: The Quest For Orthodox Faith in the Age of False Religions. Salisbury, MA: Regina Orthodox Press. EASTERN ORTHODOX
12. Azkoul, Father Michael. (2000). Once Delivered To The Saints: An Orthodox Apology For The New Millennium. Seattle, WA: Saint Nectarios Press.
"RAPTURE. Question: What do we believe about the rapture and the Second Coming? L.K., Williamsport, PA.
"The Orthodox teaching is that Jesus Christ will return at an unknown time and in a way we are not able to fully understand, to judge the living and the dead. We do not speculate any further about how and when this will take place. Our main concern is to be always ready, spiritually, for the event, but to avoid making efforts to understand the details of it. ... Our teaching, therefore, rejects curious and unfounded efforts to peer into the future and sketch out some kind of end-time plans. We do not even use the non-scriptural word "rapture" when we do talk about the end-times. Not so among many Protestants. great controversies occur among some fundamentalist and Evangelical Protestants on this topic and there are all kinds of so0called "Dispensationalist" theories which use obscure phrases of the book of Revelation to form Millenniarianist teachings which purport to describe in detail what will happen at the end of the world, when Christ returns. Some of these hold that prior to the coming of Christ for the Last Judgment, He will return secretly in order to grant the "rapture" to His "elect." Needless to say these views are only by the greatest stretch of the imagination supported by the Scriptures, and not at all found in the ongoing Holy Tradition of the Church." Stanley Samuel Harakas, The Orthodox Church: 455 Questions and Answers. (pages 271-272).
GOD SAVE US. AMEN. In Erie PA Scott R. Harrington March 12, 2011 AD