Watching or interacting with porn in any shape or form, changes the way we think, and changes the chemistry in our brain. We start to view people as 'things', rather than humans with feelings etc.
You don't say how old you are, are you very young? If so, you need to confide in a trusted older family member such as an Aunt, or your pastor for example. Talking about things helps alot.
There are a few people on here struggling with porn & addiction. Roughsoul1991 put a whole speel on a thread here re porn, but I don't know where it is, otherwise I would re-post it for you. You can find his name & click on it yourself to contact him.
I wonder who introduced you to porn, or did you start watching it yourself?
Losing virginity is a HUGE thing in our culture. There have been countless movies re it and books, etc. People go on about it like if you don't lose it, you are somehow weird or 'damaged'. There are people that still traffic virgins so they can be the first to have sex with them - in the most horrid circumstances imaginable for these poor girls - it is all part of the porn & human trafficking culture. Losing your virginity is not usually the wonderful thing we see in popular culture and movies. I even know people who were married that couldn't cope with losing their virginity. And if you are still a virgin in high school or college (university), then you are held up for even more ridicule.
I think the main thing here is to get older kids educated when they are young, and become prepared as much as possible for marriage. There are many good reasons to wait for marriage before losing your virginity.
We all make mistakes. You may not even realise you could have been talked into losing your virginity by this bloke. Males in our culture I've noticed are pressured by their friends to lose their virginity any way they can. I certainly hope you weren't forced in any way, because if you were, I'd be contacting the police. I also hope you used something as well? If you didn't, please go get tested for STDs and probably a pregnancy test would be a good idea too.
TBH, I doubt you will see this guy after this has happened, or see him much after that. Men like that are only out for one thing: they will never treat you like a person, only as a possession or thing. Do not keep going back to these men - they don't care about you as a person with feelings & hopes & dreams.
I think giving yourself to someone should be special & this obviously was not special for you.
Do not dwell on the past. There is nothing you can do about it. If you feel God has forgiven you, then that is a start.
I commend you for struggling against all of these temptations, as there are so many in life, and you are being as strong as you can. Well done for being so honest!!
Please talk to your close family member, pastor or a sexual health counsellor - there are free, confidential ones you can call. I'm down under in Oz so don't know where you are to recommend any? Write a journal as well to get all those feelings out too. There are also porn addiction websites you can join and get free counselling as well I believe, which is what you need.
Do not feel that you are alone! There are always people who can help you.
I will pray for you. Keep in touch and don't despair - remember: we all sin & we have all made mistakes!!