I would write a story that would help people to understand how important it is to be with the promise to God until you are married. One story I highly enjoy and recommend all read is Passion and Purity by Elizabeth Elliott. It's her painstaking, patient journey to wait onGod for all things in her life. Remember, too, no matter your past, it don't matter to God, you ask for forgiveness and that stuff is dropped to the bottom of the...bottomles ocean ,far as the east is from the west, gone, Audio Adrenaline sings a nice ballad about sin forever gone from God's mind. Remember, Moses killed a man, and, God had mosrs then lead the israelites. And here's a one u may not know. Cain, you know, the one that killedAbel, his bro? Well God did get mad at Cain, but when God told Cain his punishment of being a WANDERER in the land, working and not getting any seed (profit), what happened next??
Cain cried out to God, 'Your punishment for me is too great...' Well to make a long story short god listen to keen when he spoke to Cain what was keen doing he was having a relationship with God Kane went on to have a wife and children and what else did God allow the murderous Cain to do??
Build a city
So, what am, I sayong, wel, ok, here goes, murder sin, or sexual sin(how about david and bathsheba) is completely forgiven byGod when... we come to Him.