Lots of judgment and stereotyping going on here, about a subject that scripture never addresses or speaks to. Scripture is very clear, we are not to pass judgment on people for matters of conscience where the scriptures are silent. By setting yourself up as judge you're causing your brothers and sisters to stumble because of your personal opinions.
If I know that a brother or sister is sinning, that he is for example lying, or stealing, or lusting, or teaching false doctrine, or some other sin that we know is against the word of God, I would not hesitate to offer him correction from scripture. But when it comes to our opinions, why do we feel the need to exert control over other people's lives and relationships? Maybe next you are going to enforce your opinions about which foods they are allowed to eat, or on which day they have to observe the sabbath.
If I know that a brother or sister is sinning, that he is for example lying, or stealing, or lusting, or teaching false doctrine, or some other sin that we know is against the word of God, I would not hesitate to offer him correction from scripture. But when it comes to our opinions, why do we feel the need to exert control over other people's lives and relationships? Maybe next you are going to enforce your opinions about which foods they are allowed to eat, or on which day they have to observe the sabbath.
If we cannot hold each other accountable or to a standard, then I'm going to go find people who believe in the same God I do and are willing to hold me to my Faith. With that said, there is a difference between sinning and doing what is socially unacceptable.
In Georgia it is Legal for 16 year olds to be Wed. Does that mean that I'm going to frown on this and say its reckless and ridiculous, absolutely.
I want to be apart of a Christianity that knows what the Truth is and is not willing to let something else slide unremarked on. It is not 'Judgement' that we should establish what is good and right, it is discernment and accountability.