Wow, could you have worded that more condescendingly?
Again I will state a sinner is by definition someone who sins. If you sin you are a sinner. The Bible is BEYOND clear on that. You can be saved but you will never stop being a sinner because you will never be perfect. You can make an honest effort to live a right life, but in the end you will still make mistakes and you will still sometimes sin. That's why forgiveness exists. Not to mention the actual verses that state that you are saved by grace which already completely contradicts the title of this thread, and if you'll notice, I'm not the only one who has been pointing this out.
It's not that I don't understand what you're trying to say, it's that I'm pointing out how it's not accurate. You are a sinner. You may be saved and living your life for God now, but you're still going to sometimes sin, and you've already said yourself that you do, which makes you a sinner. Again, I think you're getting "sinner" and "not saved" confused and forcing them to mean the same thing when they really don't.
My friend, never meant to be condescending, just thought maybe a parable, which is for the intent to hide a truth in plain sight, might be appropriate.
Once again, the letter of Ephesians was not addressed to sinners, it was addressed to the believers, who, indeed are saved by grace through faith. But sinners cannot be saved by grace if they are not under grace. You still say it is impossible for one to be perfect, but that is not true. We will be perfect, as the bride of Jesus Christ MUST BE. But why would you settle for anything less than perfect.
I tell you, many people in hell have an eternity to think about what they could have done more to not end up in hell, and I am sure some of their ideas would have made them spotless. I am sure they can think of millions of things they could have done more, or many things they could have stopped doing. On the part of a believer, they should be more desirous to be like Christ, even in the fullness. Without this, they become idle, thinking they have arrived at glory, and will be rejected by Jesus, and stop striving to be like him. Again, no sinner in hell is saved. They are forever there and are tortured in the flame that does not go out. Grace is for those who are being saved, and anyone who will be saved. But the wicked are not under grace. That is why I say repent. May Jesus bless you.