You may also consider that you may be doing too much for your husband as well. Men like to feel needed, esp by their wives. We want to rescue you and guard/protect you. We often do things in the unspoken knowledge that we are doing it for wife/family.
I'm really glad that this was said...I picked up on this immediately, Fani...(not that I'm an expert or anything, but reading through your post where you listed all the things that you do for your husband, I thought, "My word! He must be helpless!")
I would suggest that you cut down on the serving him hand and foot thing. If you are doing everything for him, he might be feeling a bit like a child, and that alone would be enough to make things in the bedroom awkward for him. I don't know that that's what it is, but it could be.
Also, if your husband isn't the main breadwinner in your home, he might be feeling kind of useless already, even without having you taking care of absolutely everything else. So I would definitely ease up, maybe talk to your husband about sharing more of the responsibility in the home...but say it in a way that lets him know that you NEED his help and support, and not in a demeaning way (i.e, telling him he's being lazy or that he just isn't doing enough will make things worse, probably). Try something like, "I think I've bitten off more than I can chew, would you mind taking care of (insert a couple of tasks)? It would really help me out." And if he does what you ask, even if he doesn't do it very well or it isn't up to YOUR standards, make sure he knows that you appreciate it.
My husband and I have had similar problems in the past...and I used to feel like he just wasn't attracted to me. It's taken time to learn that a lot of the time if he isn't feeling "romantic", it's because he had a bad day at work, or there's a lot on his mind- the car that needs fixed, rent that is due...it's usually nothing to do with me. But I've found that when I take the time to figure out what's bothering him (in a loving way, not nagging him or demanding that he tell me what's wrong), and then show that I am interested in helping him solve the problem (even though my suggestions are pretty useless, he realizes that I'm trying), things get a lot better over-all.
I don't know if that helps. I hope it does.