I rarely engage atheists in debates about our faith. But I have a classmate friend of mine from school who happens to be an atheist, and I decided to engage him. Needless to say I had to engage in some adhoc apologetics.
Anyways this atheist was trying to dismiss the Bible and was saying all we have with on history of the early church is verbally handed down legend, or information only found in the Bible. Basically he wouldn't accept that real apostles existed who saw Jesus and he didn't seem to accept that Jesus himself existed. He seemed to indicate that any bible accounts of the early Christians in the bible couldn't be trusted because it was just the Bible.
So I had to find a quick way to make him feel the literal footsteps of Jesus.
I asked him................
1. Is there historical evidence that an emperor named Nero persecuted and killed Christians around 64-68 ad?
The obvious answer from him was yes!
Ok good!
So we have Christians existing, accounted for, outside of a biblical source.
On top of that we have historical evidence outside the Bible of people believing and dying for the cause of Christ before the formation of the roman cath church in 300ish ad. This is key because atheists love to talk about how people simply believe because of lies told because of the catholic church.
Well these early Christians believed 200ish years before the catholics got a chance to brain wash anyone.
Ok so the claim is that Jesus existed from 0sh ad to 33ish ad and that he rose from the dead.
So we have these Christians being persecuted in 64-68 ad, 30ish years from the time Jesus is said to have risen from the dead.
Well just how in the world did these Christians get the message and believe it, about a guy named Jesus who rose from the dead? They must have gotten it from somewhere! And we know it wasn't from some lies created by the catholic church, so who in the world could they have heard it from????
Ohh.........maybe from living contemporaries of Jesus, called apostles who saw his risen self years before!!
And where did these apostles get this message they were speaking and willing to die for???
Not the Catholic church!
Most likely from a guy named JESUS!!!!
This conclusion is 100% reachable just by looking at history books then deducing the most logical explanation possible.
The persecuted Christians got their message from some apostles..............apostles got their message from JESUS...........
I pictured my atheist friend as kind of like a wide receiver who goes up to catch the ball, then hears the footsteps of the cornerback...and gets rattled...........
This simple historical evidence made him hear the footsteps of Jesus loud and clear.
Anyways this atheist was trying to dismiss the Bible and was saying all we have with on history of the early church is verbally handed down legend, or information only found in the Bible. Basically he wouldn't accept that real apostles existed who saw Jesus and he didn't seem to accept that Jesus himself existed. He seemed to indicate that any bible accounts of the early Christians in the bible couldn't be trusted because it was just the Bible.
So I had to find a quick way to make him feel the literal footsteps of Jesus.
I asked him................
1. Is there historical evidence that an emperor named Nero persecuted and killed Christians around 64-68 ad?
The obvious answer from him was yes!
Ok good!
So we have Christians existing, accounted for, outside of a biblical source.
On top of that we have historical evidence outside the Bible of people believing and dying for the cause of Christ before the formation of the roman cath church in 300ish ad. This is key because atheists love to talk about how people simply believe because of lies told because of the catholic church.
Well these early Christians believed 200ish years before the catholics got a chance to brain wash anyone.
Ok so the claim is that Jesus existed from 0sh ad to 33ish ad and that he rose from the dead.
So we have these Christians being persecuted in 64-68 ad, 30ish years from the time Jesus is said to have risen from the dead.
Well just how in the world did these Christians get the message and believe it, about a guy named Jesus who rose from the dead? They must have gotten it from somewhere! And we know it wasn't from some lies created by the catholic church, so who in the world could they have heard it from????
Ohh.........maybe from living contemporaries of Jesus, called apostles who saw his risen self years before!!
And where did these apostles get this message they were speaking and willing to die for???
Not the Catholic church!
Most likely from a guy named JESUS!!!!
This conclusion is 100% reachable just by looking at history books then deducing the most logical explanation possible.
The persecuted Christians got their message from some apostles..............apostles got their message from JESUS...........
I pictured my atheist friend as kind of like a wide receiver who goes up to catch the ball, then hears the footsteps of the cornerback...and gets rattled...........
This simple historical evidence made him hear the footsteps of Jesus loud and clear.