A United Methodist Pastor, Jeremy Peters, of Grove United Methodist Church ( Cottage Grove, Minnesota) has told the elderly members of his congregation to stay home so that he can attract younger people to the congregation.
The elderly are only allowed to return after he gives them permission.
Do you think this is a growing trend in American Christianity, or is it specifically related to a few rogue churches that utilize marketing techniques?
If you are younger, do you value the elderly? Do you display your love for older believers in some tangible way?
If you are older, do you think that the younger value the elderly? Do you display your love for younger believers in some tangible way?
Does Satan use such offenses to cause people to fall away, and to cause division within the Church?
What Bible verses support our obligations toward the young and the old?
What can be done by both the elderly and the young to demonstrate mutual respect and love between the elderly and the young?