Praise GOD

not here to discuss with some their personally view of Gods word. Not my word to tell anyone what God is really saying.
Things were written about Israel when they were not a nation. And to read they would become a nation in a day.. and that happened! God (in that I also mean Christ and the Holy Spirit) are not man. Does not think like act like nor has He ever changed. I don't see Israel living for God and the % of those that are born again are few yet growing ever day praise GOD! I can see how some think the Church is Israel....but something I can't get passed is. Well with God what I have learned is He is true to His word.
Meaning if its written He will do it. That has not will not ever change. And there are things GOD promised Israel. We need to remember the story that shows GODS love for her. Where she was selling her self and He waited in line with others and bought her back. Israel is blooming because of God. ALL not some but ALL good things come from God. And the world is still blessed because of Israel.
No one can look at the vine and tell what was grafted in vs org of the vine. As He told me "I am the vine you are the branches". Its His creation.. its His Children. He leaves the 99 to get the one. This God came to His own 1st. It was has always been to save this world. So to be here during this time knowing those that came died before us longed to be here. We are so blessed. It was so WOW to see the Jewish people come from all over the world back to the land He gave them.
Again.. what GOD promised. Matters not what we say or think. He is going to keep His word. He made promises to Israel. I look up.. ready every moment. Praying for Israel and ever other nation. For GOD SO loved the world.