God's word has much to say about the consumption of fermented and unfermented wine. In ancient times wine could be fermented grape juice mixed with water, thus making it somewhat diluted. Fermented wine could also be made without adding water and making it more intoxicating. The Bible often describes this type of wine as "strong drink". Without question the Bible condemns drinking to the point where a person is drunk. As Christians we are commanded to not let our bodies be enslaved by anything (1 Corinthians 6: 12) and getting drunk with alcohol would certainly fall under this category. Christians should not do anything that hinders the Holy Spirit's influence on us. A person who consumes alcohol to the point where they are drunk has let the alcohol influence their decision making instead of being "filled by the spirit". Alcohol by itself is not tainted by sin, it is the drunkenness and addiction to it that a Christian must absolutely stay away from. Scripture does not forbid Christians from drinking beer, wine, or anything else containing alcohol in it. As a matter of fact, there are times the Bible speaks of alcohol in a positive light.
Ephesians 5:18 "be not drunk with wine where in excess; but be filled with the Holy Spirit." This passage of scripture is warning us to not be "drunk" or drinking to the point where it is to much or "excess". Drinking to much leads to intoxication, which leads to bad decisions. God wants us to be filled by the Holy Spirit which leads and guides us into making better decisions in life.
Exodus 32:6-7 The people were so intoxicated with wine that the Lord said, "they have corrupted themselves."
Proverbs 20:1 "Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler, and whoever is led astray by it is not wise." To be led astray is to be led by the intoxication of wine, where God wants us to be lead by the Holy Spirit.
Proverbs 31:4-7 verse 4 says that it is not for kings to drink wine. If the king is drunk and is under its influence, he may forget the law, his morals, or himself. A drunken king will use bad judgement when making important decisions concerning his kingdom. A king who stays drunk all the time cannot lead his people or country. Now notice in verse 6 this passage is actually giving permission to drink intoxicating wine. "strong drink" to those who are about to die and may need it for pain and "wine" who have a heavy heart and is afflicted with anxiety, nervousness, or something troubling them emotionally.
Final thoughts
It is incorrect to say that wine in the Bible was just simply grape juice, but equally incorrect to say that wine was fermented the same as modern day. It has been clinically proven that a glass of red wine soothes the stomach. The drunken state is what the Bible most warns about. The fact is, many people have a problem with having just "one glass" of red wine and want to keep going until it is too late. They become enslaved by the alcohol and do and say things they normally wouldn't. For these people it is a good idea to stay completely away from any kind of alcohol beverage. Keep in mind, back in ancient times the water was not very clean. Without modern sanitation, the water was filled with bacteria, viruses, and all kinds of contaminants. It is still true today in some third world countries where immediately after you step off an airplane they tell you not to drink the water! Regarding alcohol and its effects it has on people, the easy temptation to consume more than one can handle, and due to the possibility causing another brother or sister stumbling in their walk with Christ, it may be best for a Christian to abstain from drinking all together.
God bless everyone!
Ephesians 5:18 "be not drunk with wine where in excess; but be filled with the Holy Spirit." This passage of scripture is warning us to not be "drunk" or drinking to the point where it is to much or "excess". Drinking to much leads to intoxication, which leads to bad decisions. God wants us to be filled by the Holy Spirit which leads and guides us into making better decisions in life.
Exodus 32:6-7 The people were so intoxicated with wine that the Lord said, "they have corrupted themselves."
Proverbs 20:1 "Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler, and whoever is led astray by it is not wise." To be led astray is to be led by the intoxication of wine, where God wants us to be lead by the Holy Spirit.
Proverbs 31:4-7 verse 4 says that it is not for kings to drink wine. If the king is drunk and is under its influence, he may forget the law, his morals, or himself. A drunken king will use bad judgement when making important decisions concerning his kingdom. A king who stays drunk all the time cannot lead his people or country. Now notice in verse 6 this passage is actually giving permission to drink intoxicating wine. "strong drink" to those who are about to die and may need it for pain and "wine" who have a heavy heart and is afflicted with anxiety, nervousness, or something troubling them emotionally.
Final thoughts
It is incorrect to say that wine in the Bible was just simply grape juice, but equally incorrect to say that wine was fermented the same as modern day. It has been clinically proven that a glass of red wine soothes the stomach. The drunken state is what the Bible most warns about. The fact is, many people have a problem with having just "one glass" of red wine and want to keep going until it is too late. They become enslaved by the alcohol and do and say things they normally wouldn't. For these people it is a good idea to stay completely away from any kind of alcohol beverage. Keep in mind, back in ancient times the water was not very clean. Without modern sanitation, the water was filled with bacteria, viruses, and all kinds of contaminants. It is still true today in some third world countries where immediately after you step off an airplane they tell you not to drink the water! Regarding alcohol and its effects it has on people, the easy temptation to consume more than one can handle, and due to the possibility causing another brother or sister stumbling in their walk with Christ, it may be best for a Christian to abstain from drinking all together.
God bless everyone!
No. Drunkenness, on the other hand, is a no-no.
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