Well believe it or not I do have a serious side.........About a year after my grandpa, died around 2003, I went up to my grannies, she had a neighbor that wanted to buy my grandpa's boat it was a 1970 Aristocraft. So I went up there and took the boat and the neighbor to the lake by my grannies house and put her in the water. Now this boat hadn't been out in a while and I was wondering if it would even fire, the last time me and gramps had her out she had a little trouble staying running....I turned the key and she busted off and purred like a kitten....I backed her away from the dock and idled out past the no wake buoys. I was worried it would cut out or run rough so I eased into the throttle....she never missed a lick...that ole boat just stood up on the water and planed out like she had been built the day before. I just let her go, the water was like glass and the ole girl was just gliding across the water....the memories flashed back as me and the ole Aristocraft skimmed across that lake we traveled all the way to the dam and I turned around and headed back...even thought the neighbor man was sitting next too me I was alone except for the many many memories I had made with gramps in that ole boat....well I got it back to the dock and loaded the boat up and took it back to grannies. As I was driving home I was heading west of Mannford and I just teared up. The girl I was dating at the time was riding in the pick up with me and never new I was crying......(thats probably why she got a coffee table instead of a engagement ring for christmas!!) A little side not to the story, my granny called me about a week after that when the neighbor tried to take the boat out to the lake it got cracked in the hull..........so the last time the boat was ever on the water was that day me and the ole girl took a trip down memory lane...