You've hit the nail on the head. The field hospitals have been shut down because there was no one to be admitted. The two navy hospital ships sent post-haste to New York and Los Angeles were practically empty. Yet the agenda of the MSM remains the same -- lies and fear-mongering. If all the MSM would also be shut down, it would help tremendously.
What is now critical to understand is that COVID-19 deaths in the USA have been both inflated and over-reported. Many medical doctors are convinced that the total number should be cut by 20% (and I was being conservative with my 10%).
On that basis if the Johns Hopkins Interactive Map is now showing a total of 79,525 lets knock off 20% and the actual count is probably about 63,000. But since a few days ago CDC said it was around 38,000 (now at 47,128), we have a very serious issue of deception. 79,525 is almost 70% higher than the CDC report.