"Strange.... because I think that NOT chasing a woman that you are interested in is mucking about.
Thats how some guys hold weird crushes for years and wind up old and alone. One day these guys snap and spill their guts to the girl who is completely oblivious to him, its not pretty."
Hmm sorry, I guess I'm referring to what you said earlier about a game of the woman running away from the guy and playing hard to get. Like if I think a girl likes me - and I'm interested in her - I don't want to be playing some game where we dance around each other and pretend we don't like each other. I just want to be honest about it. I guess the reasoning behind this is because if someone pretends they aren't interested, I will believe they aren't, I don't pick up on signals too well unless I'm Not interested in them, lol... and some people will also lead you on while being completely uninterested.
You guys might have different experiences, I don't really know.
"She did not say to carve straight into the person but, to peel, in the delicate sense. And oh how exquisite the joy in the process. We people are such fragile beings, so valuable and mysterious. We must let things be uncovered in their own time, like the blossoming of a flower, who's noticeable absence of haste creates the mystery of things to come. The anticipation, the longing yet somehow bridled, swirls like the eye of a storm. It compels us to move, with reckless abandon to be in the mere presence of the very thing that captivates and inspires us, if only to show our appreciation and our Gratitude for such moments."
Hmmm... we might be a bit different in this manner, I love getting to know people, love it heaps.
But personally if I am interested in someone, I want to know who they are as soon as possible, to know whether we are compatible or not. The further a relationship goes before you work out you are incompatible the harder it will be for you both.
I guess once I've decided I know the person well enough, and I want to marry this person, it would be different.
"The Chase, as it has been described to me in this thread, is some counterfeit form of flattery with no real intention or gain. To compare flirting with chasing is to compare Kool-Aid with Chateau de Chenonceau's finest vintage."
Hmm, I think I get what your saying a bit more here. Might be a personal thing but I hate the idea of getting to know someone through chasing them/courting them etc. - essentially falling in love with each other - I guess personally I'd like to think if I was courting someone I'd know I would already want to marry them, (or think it is highly likely I do) as opposed to just getting to know them better.
I think this is because, well personally I know that I am only interested in marrying so few particular types of people and often you can't tell if someone is this type of person... you sort of need to get to know people to work out whether you want to marry them and if there is anything you couldn't deal with in marriage. And when two people fall in love, get to know each other really well and discover that they can't marry each other, it is extremely painful. I guess we live in a messed up world and things will always be this way a bit, but for myself I think I'd rather just get to know them better without a chase, be open and honest about everything and try to avoid falling in love too much with each other until things get serious.
Can't really explain what I'm trying to say too well, and my judgment might be clouded by previous experience, as we all are I think, hopefully you can understand what I'm trying to say though.