Oh, Dan............ I feel sooooooooo sorry for you and the little woman............
There ya are relaxing on those beautiful beaches, all aglow with joy and peace of mind, and ya don't even KNOW what it is y'all are relaxing on........... As much as it pains me to be the bearer of TRUTH, I must, I must.....
That wonderful sand y'all are relaxing on, digging y'all's toes in, making castles out of............well,
ummer unofficially ends on Labor Day, a time when many trek to the beach to lay out on—if you're lucky—luxurious white sands. But while you're enjoying the feeling of the sand on your feet, just remember: Much of that sand is actually made up of fish poop.
As explained by this "Gross Science"
video, part of a series produced by NOVA and PBS Digital Studios, parrotfish make a living by scraping algae off of coral. Often chunks of coral come off with the algae, and end up in their digestive tract. When digested, that coral is turned into a fine powder that the fish excrete.
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