Women who are really interested in doing that have probably already found a way to do it. And if a man asks me something like that and hasn't already been doing stuff like that on his own as a single.... then he's the one who needs to step up his spiritual game before expecting me to step up mine.
Bottom line would be if you're called to doing something, you should already be doing it and yes a spouse compatible with your call is non-negotiable. If you aren't then such a question reeks of expectaions of the other to be the superspiritual and self sacrificing half of the couple.
yep you said it Cinder.
I think on a first date just take a person as they are just as Jesus took you for what you are. Treat them like he treated you.
Its disturbing that a lot of men seem to look down on and patronise women. Have they been living under a rock??? dont they know about being EQUALLY yoked and that means on a spiritual level as well.
while seduction is not going to work with a christian lady neither is spiritual salesmenship.
If men and women are going to get along they will work side by side for God and not one trying to call all the shots and dictation what the other will do. Why is this, its because women actually arent waiting around for a man to direct them. Mary didnt need permission and neither did Martha. in fact, even Jesus mother Mary wasnt waiting around for Joseph, God sent an angel to call her directly she didnt hear it secondhand through Joseph.