Paper money and fiat currency are the true mark of the beast of Revelation. Which has been issued to everyone in the world to buy and sell with, around the last 100 years in this last generation before the second coming of Yeshuah, in accordance to Revelation. For everyone in the world, rich and poor, great and small, uses paper money and fiat currency to buy and sell with, exactly as the prophecy said would happen. And paper money and fiat currency is now also the only legal way to buy and sell with according to the laws of legal tender of the world. Paper money and fiat currency are a forbidden form of money that breaks the command of the Torah, “you shall have righteous weights and balances”. For true money according to the Torah is gold and silver, whose value is based on weight. Which is why the Torah commands everyone to have righteous weights and balances, to accurately weigh gold, to buy and sell with righteously. For gold is true money according to the Law of God. And since the value of gold is based on a standard weight is why it cannot be devalued, because 1 ozt of gold today is the same 1 ozt of gold tomorrow. Which is why gold was used as money for thousands of years, because it is valuable money, which has a value based on weight. And therefore the value of gold money is stable and true. And that is why the names of fiat currencies today were formerly names of weights, such as “dollars”, “pesos”, or “pounds”, which were used to derive the value of gold based on the name of a weight in each nation. Yet when paper money and fiat currency was issued to the world, people no longer bought and sold according to the names of weights, nor the number of a weight, nor even gold, but mere names and numbers. So these former names of weights and numbers of weights eventually became false weights and false numbers of weights. Which is the mark of the beast in its two forms, “the name of the beast” and the “number of its name”. And that is why 666 refers to “666 talents of gold” in the Tanakh, for “talent” is the name of a weight in Israel, and 666 is the number of the weight. As if people began buying and selling with the mere name “talent”, or the mere number of a weight “666”, having nothing to do with weight nor a number of a weight nor gold. And now today many purchases are done even without paper money, but mere numbers, through modern banking. Mere numbers are deducted from one bank account and added to another bank account. Which is now buying and selling with the mere “number of its name”. And thus paper money and fiat currency is a false weight and a false number of a weight, whose value is only a perceived imaginary number. The only way to remove the mark of the beast is by getting rid of all paper money and fiat currency. A true test of belief and obedience to the commands of God, for money is a necessity, even to buy food. And food is a necessity to live. Paper money and fiat currency is also what impoverishes the world. Because it is continually devalued by those who issue it, which causes salaries and incomes to lag behind the devaluation. Which then causes inflation of prices. When then causes debt, which is not given for free, but at interest. And those who issue this form of money slowly become the owners of everything, through debt. It is the greatest scheme of robbery the world has ever seen. And that is why what someone makes in minimum wage in Egypt in one day is enough to buy food for one day in the USA. And also why many Venezuelans are eating out of their garbages. All because of the devaluation of fiat currency. Paper money and fiat currency is the root of all evil. And that is why the founding fathers of the USA were also completely against paper money, such as George Washington and Andrew Jackson and Daniel Webster. As they wrote respectively, “paper money has had the effect in your state that it will ever have, to ruin commerce, oppress the honest, and open the door to every species of fraud and injustice”. And also, “the Constitution of the United States unquestionably intended to secure to the people a circulating medium of gold and silver. But the establishment of a national bank by Congress, with the privilege of issuing paper money receivable in the payment of the public dues, and the unfortunate course of legislation in the several States upon the same subject, drove from general circulation the constitutional currency and substituted one of paper in its place”. And also, “we are in danger of being overwhelmed with irredeemable paper, mere paper, representing not gold nor silver; no sir, representing nothing but broken promises, bad faith, bankrupt corporations, cheated creditors and a ruined people” and “of all contrivances for cheating the laboring classes of mankind, none has been more effective than that which deludes them with paper money”. And even the USA constitution only permits gold and silver to be used as money, “legal tender”. As it is written in the constitution, “no state shall make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts”. For gold is true money, because it is valuable, and its value is based on weight, according to the Torah. Which is why it cannot be devalued, which then keeps prices consistent in a society, which is good. As opposed to prices always rising in a society because of the devaluation of a form of money that has no true value, which is evil. As such, receiving the mark of the beast on the right hand symbolizes possessing this form of money, for the right hand is a symbol of authority. And whoever possesses this form of money then has authority to buy and sell. And receiving the mark of the beast on the forehead symbolizes debt to buy and sell with. For having a name imprinted on the forehead symbolizes being owned by that name, which happens through debt, for a borrower is a slave to his lender. Which today comes in the form of mortgages and auto loans and various other debts of fiat currency, which are all ways to buy and sell, using debt. The reason most cannot identify paper money and fiat currency as the mark of the beast is because they do not know the Torah nor what it commands in regards to money. Nor do they understand that the book of Revelation is a book of symbols, speaking of a form of money that would be used by everyone in the world that is contrary to the Torah of God. Not that everyone in the world would be using literal implants or literal tattoos on the forehead and right hand to buy and sell with. So they are ignorant and deceived and foolish. And on a path to destruction, because whoever has the mark of the beast and does not “come out of her my people” by getting rid of this evil form of money, will be destroyed in the lake of lava. God has made money itself a stumbling block to the entire world. Yet money itself is not what is evil, for gold and silver are good and righteous money. And gold and silver will be the money used again under the 1,000 year rulership of Yeshuah. For that is what the Torah reveals is money. It is the form of money that exists today that is evil. Which is paper money and fiat currency.
Paper money and fiat currency are the true mark of the beast of Revelation. Which has been issued to everyone in the world to buy and sell with, around the last 100 years in this last generation before the second coming of Yeshuah, in accordance to Revelation. For everyone in the world, rich and poor, great and small, uses paper money and fiat currency to buy and sell with, exactly as the prophecy said would happen. And paper money and fiat currency is now also the only legal way to buy and sell with according to the laws of legal tender of the world. Paper money and fiat currency are a forbidden form of money that breaks the command of the Torah, “you shall have righteous weights and balances”. For true money according to the Torah is gold and silver, whose value is based on weight. Which is why the Torah commands everyone to have righteous weights and balances, to accurately weigh gold, to buy and sell with righteously. For gold is true money according to the Law of God. And since the value of gold is based on a standard weight is why it cannot be devalued, because 1 ozt of gold today is the same 1 ozt of gold tomorrow. Which is why gold was used as money for thousands of years, because it is valuable money, which has a value based on weight. And therefore the value of gold money is stable and true. And that is why the names of fiat currencies today were formerly names of weights, such as “dollars”, “pesos”, or “pounds”, which were used to derive the value of gold based on the name of a weight in each nation. Yet when paper money and fiat currency was issued to the world, people no longer bought and sold according to the names of weights, nor the number of a weight, nor even gold, but mere names and numbers. So these former names of weights and numbers of weights eventually became false weights and false numbers of weights. Which is the mark of the beast in its two forms, “the name of the beast” and the “number of its name”. And that is why 666 refers to “666 talents of gold” in the Tanakh, for “talent” is the name of a weight in Israel, and 666 is the number of the weight. As if people began buying and selling with the mere name “talent”, or the mere number of a weight “666”, having nothing to do with weight nor a number of a weight nor gold. And now today many purchases are done even without paper money, but mere numbers, through modern banking. Mere numbers are deducted from one bank account and added to another bank account. Which is now buying and selling with the mere “number of its name”. And thus paper money and fiat currency is a false weight and a false number of a weight, whose value is only a perceived imaginary number. The only way to remove the mark of the beast is by getting rid of all paper money and fiat currency. A true test of belief and obedience to the commands of God, for money is a necessity, even to buy food. And food is a necessity to live. Paper money and fiat currency is also what impoverishes the world. Because it is continually devalued by those who issue it, which causes salaries and incomes to lag behind the devaluation. Which then causes inflation of prices. When then causes debt, which is not given for free, but at interest. And those who issue this form of money slowly become the owners of everything, through debt. It is the greatest scheme of robbery the world has ever seen. And that is why what someone makes in minimum wage in Egypt in one day is enough to buy food for one day in the USA. And also why many Venezuelans are eating out of their garbages. All because of the devaluation of fiat currency. Paper money and fiat currency is the root of all evil. And that is why the founding fathers of the USA were also completely against paper money, such as George Washington and Andrew Jackson and Daniel Webster. As they wrote respectively, “paper money has had the effect in your state that it will ever have, to ruin commerce, oppress the honest, and open the door to every species of fraud and injustice”. And also, “the Constitution of the United States unquestionably intended to secure to the people a circulating medium of gold and silver. But the establishment of a national bank by Congress, with the privilege of issuing paper money receivable in the payment of the public dues, and the unfortunate course of legislation in the several States upon the same subject, drove from general circulation the constitutional currency and substituted one of paper in its place”. And also, “we are in danger of being overwhelmed with irredeemable paper, mere paper, representing not gold nor silver; no sir, representing nothing but broken promises, bad faith, bankrupt corporations, cheated creditors and a ruined people” and “of all contrivances for cheating the laboring classes of mankind, none has been more effective than that which deludes them with paper money”. And even the USA constitution only permits gold and silver to be used as money, “legal tender”. As it is written in the constitution, “no state shall make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts”. For gold is true money, because it is valuable, and its value is based on weight, according to the Torah. Which is why it cannot be devalued, which then keeps prices consistent in a society, which is good. As opposed to prices always rising in a society because of the devaluation of a form of money that has no true value, which is evil. As such, receiving the mark of the beast on the right hand symbolizes possessing this form of money, for the right hand is a symbol of authority. And whoever possesses this form of money then has authority to buy and sell. And receiving the mark of the beast on the forehead symbolizes debt to buy and sell with. For having a name imprinted on the forehead symbolizes being owned by that name, which happens through debt, for a borrower is a slave to his lender. Which today comes in the form of mortgages and auto loans and various other debts of fiat currency, which are all ways to buy and sell, using debt. The reason most cannot identify paper money and fiat currency as the mark of the beast is because they do not know the Torah nor what it commands in regards to money. Nor do they understand that the book of Revelation is a book of symbols, speaking of a form of money that would be used by everyone in the world that is contrary to the Torah of God. Not that everyone in the world would be using literal implants or literal tattoos on the forehead and right hand to buy and sell with. So they are ignorant and deceived and foolish. And on a path to destruction, because whoever has the mark of the beast and does not “come out of her my people” by getting rid of this evil form of money, will be destroyed in the lake of lava. God has made money itself a stumbling block to the entire world. Yet money itself is not what is evil, for gold and silver are good and righteous money. And gold and silver will be the money used again under the 1,000 year rulership of Yeshuah. For that is what the Torah reveals is money. It is the form of money that exists today that is evil. Which is paper money and fiat currency.
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