The God of heaven is not your Lord who causes you to say this. This is straight from hell my friend. Repent.
It is not the will of God that ANY should perish, but that all men everywhere should repent and be saved. You are off because you do not know the will of God as you say. You don't honor God by this, you shame him. Repent.
No God doesn't want any to perish, but we do. Are you saying that any time someone dies, it is not within the Will of the Father??? His Will was that His own Son should perish, for YOU, and YOUR SIN, and for everyone else.
The Lord said "vengence is mine". That means the Lord takes His vengence, and it is often using the hands of others. Read the old testament, where God instructed for men, women, children, and the livestock to be killed, for their disobedience.
By the way, God of Heaven IS my Lord, and always will be. You don't get to choose whom I serve. Haha! I love it when some Christians try to judge someones salvation, and relationship with the Lord, the one thing NO person is qualified to do, and what the Bible instructs us not to do.
Also, I do repent, every single day, as should you.
I would suggest you read your Bible, and learn the ways of God the Father, and what His justice means.
You may not like it, but you don't get to decide how God conducts the world, and His business. I would urge you to read, read, read.
In Christs love