For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake;
(Php 1:29)
For a second my eyes played a trick on me and I thought it said banned under your username and was like nooooooo
This is actually a really good question is suffering a gift? I suppose it depends on how you look at it. No one likes to suffer but pain and suffering can actually be one of the best teachers. If a child gets the rod from a afther they may learn to change their ways and through suffering we are more resiliate. Look at the human body for instance through hard work and labor the muscles tear and we ache from it but the aching is evidence of the muscles rebuilding itself to be stronger. The handshalke of a person can say a lot about them a person who is used to labor and hard work has a firm tight grip their skin is not smooth and soft but rugged and tough
It also through suffering that God can bring us into deeper realms with him, we can grow and mature in him if we keep our eyes on him during that season of trial and suffering after all Gold is made from the furnishing of intense heat and pressure as well as any other valuable ore.
So is suffering a gift? It depends on if you are able to learn and grow from it or let it consume you and trust me from someone who has suffered greatly almost his whole life I can say that it can indeed be a gift