When God Saved me,I knew straight away that I was born again.....Christian is mentioned twice I think in the bible.
We’re the disciples called Christians?
I have never classed my self as a Christian....I am born again......people have told me Christian is the same thing...is it?
Joe bloggs told me he is a Christian...but knows nothing/ understanding of being born again.
Maybe a believer can throw some light on my question?...thank you.
The term "Christian" was never used by any of the writers to identify a true believer. The term means "one who follows Christ."
The term "Christian" was placed on followers of Christ, by those who were outside of the Faith and was generally perceived as a derogatory remark by those who used it. Example, "Oh great! It's one of those Christians again."
It is found twice is Scripture. The first time is in Acts 26:28 - Where Agrippa uses it sarcastically, in response to Paul's testimony before him. The second time it is used by Peter, in his first epistle, 4:16, where he identifies it as label given by others. He is talking about suffering for the cause of Christ and implies it is okay, to be called a Christian but does not use the term himself.
Typically, I use the term "True believer, believer or brother/sister in Christ" I quite using Christian as a rule because of the negative connotations the word has in today's World.
Every church going individual calls themselves Christians but not everyone who goes to church
are Christians. So I moved away from this label, so as to not be identified myself with these others.
Since Scripture clearly teaches, that
you can only worship God, in Spirit and Truth! I always try to identify with being "Born Again" and Believing in "Truth", as presented only in Scripture. If it cannot be proven by Scripture, it is not Truth. God will only receive in worship what He has given. Therefore, proper Worship,
comes from the Perfection of God, through His Spirit of Truth, to Born Again believers and
returns to God, from imperfect believers,
striving to be as close to The Truth as possible.
Many so called "religionist" try to say, that God's Wrath is coming upon this World because of immorality. While there is truth in this, closer inspection of Scripture will show, that the primary reason Wrath is coming, is because man took God's Truth and tried to turn it into The LIE. Remember, Adam and Eve did not Fall because they ate of the forbidden fruit, they Fell because they
failed to believe what God said was true.