Hello everyone, I thought this would be a fun thread idea ^_^, share any artwork, animation, stories, or anything else relating to art in this thread or talk about what new art projects you're trying to do. I have actually found a free digital drawing program and currently working on a drawing. I don't know why, but I just like art where the heads aren't normal, like a person with a TV head or they have animal stuff, like antlers (No I'm not a furry). So right now I'm drawing a person with deer antlers, basically to get a a hold of this digital drawing program, and as practice because I haven't touched any digital drawing programs since I wanna say 2016, lol. I used to use Photoshop, but now since I don't feel like paying, I found something and it is legit really good from what I can tell, like a more complex Photoshop. Since my deer person is not ready yet, I'll just post a drawing I did awhile back of a original character I came up with: Mizuki (Yes I'm awful at naming anything, lol)

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