every 'flu, and every virus', takes-on = bacteria or virus = we're in our 70's, and were vacd against ALL
of the COMMOM childhood diseases, and guess what??? most all of us got ALL of them, expect for polio,
and became very, very SICK', and this was 'mandatory' in school, in our day, 'no asking the parents',
the school officials just 'lined us ALL up and shot us all up', and guess what???
almost ALL of us contracted 'all' of the diseases to some degree, we have the scars to prove it -
some worse than others and some less that others -
I actually had to be 'quarantined in a dark-room for several weeks with the measles and got 'chicken-pox so
bad that I carry the scars today, as many do... I had other siblings, some got them and some did to different degrees...
the whole point is, vacs are a 'crap-shoot', and should be a personal 'choice', with much consideration/research,
NOT JUST BELIEVING the 'main-stream-media'...
we didn't wear 'masks' back then, do ya'll think that it would have made a difference'???