I propose eight scriptures, four of which show (i) Christians passing through the Great Tribulation, and the other four which show (ii) that a Pre-Tribulation Rapture is a REWARD, or PRIZE, that must be earned by an already born-again Christian. To shorten the posting, the premise is that the Book of Revelation, true to the Greek - “Apokalypsis”, which means “THE REVEALING”, records events surround the Second Coming, or “Revealing” of Jesus Christ from heaven.
Easily seen it the first claim that some Christians will pass through the awful Great Tribulation.
Now, if the wording, grammar and contexts of the following scriptures is accurately followed, one can draw no other conclusion that to be “caught up” to the clouds to avoid this Great Tribulation is a REWARD, or PRIZE, that is gained by (i) an intimate walk with Christ, and (ii) the execution of works that God judges as given by Him and as being rightful.
Easily seen it the first claim that some Christians will pass through the awful Great Tribulation.
- In Revelation 7:9-17 We see a great multinational, multicultural and multi-language company who are obviously attached to Jesus Christ by white robes washed by the blood of Christ, standing before Christ’s Throne and hailing Him. Verse 14 plainly says that they passed through the Great Tribulation with hunger, heat and tears described in the verses following
- In Revelation 12 a mystery Woman, who is a “sign”, brings forth three “Seeds”. The third of these is described as “having the testimony of Jesus Christ” and they must pass through the 1260 days of Great Tribulation (v.17) as a special target for Satan
- In Revelation 13:7, a Company called “saints” are on earth during the world-wide reign of the Beast and are conquered by the Beast. Of the 62 times “saints” are used in the New Testament, only one does not refer to members of the Churches. That is, "saints" are Christians
- In Revelation 18:4 the Holy Spirit calls for God’s People to come out of Commercial Babylon. Implied is that those who don’t will pass through the suffering and destruction of Babylon the Great BY GOD Himself.
Now, if the wording, grammar and contexts of the following scriptures is accurately followed, one can draw no other conclusion that to be “caught up” to the clouds to avoid this Great Tribulation is a REWARD, or PRIZE, that is gained by (i) an intimate walk with Christ, and (ii) the execution of works that God judges as given by Him and as being rightful.
- In Philippians 3:10-14, Paul talks of “ATTAINING” two things; (i) A Select resurrection. The Greek word used here for “resurrection” is used only once in the New Testament and means “the resurrection out of the resurrection”. It must be “attained to”. That it is special is confirmed by 1st Corinthians 15:22 which guarantees resurrection for ALL men. So truly, a resurrection that must be attained to, is special. (ii) In the same context Paul speaks of an “Upward call”. The Greek does not tell of a “High Calling” as the KJV supposes, but a “call in an upward direction” as other literal translations like the New King James corrects. But this “Upward Call” is a PRIZE, and Paul STRIVES for it.
- These two things are repeated in 1st Thessalonians 4:15-17 as the removal of the Church to avoid God’s wrath on all men is taught. But interestingly it is only addressed to the Church at Thessaloniki - a Model Church (see 1st Thessalonians Chapters 1 & 3)
- In Luke 21:36, within the context that starts at verse 25, is of a time when men on the whole earth will be in agony. Our Lord Jesus promises an escape to where the Son of man will be during that time - not yet on earth. To be part of this escape one must be “found WORTHY”. Verse 35 sets the principle for being worthy - not involving oneself in the pleasures and cares of this present world
- In Revelation 3:10 certain of the Church will “be KEPT from the HOUR of trial that comes upon the WHOLE EARTH.” Only TWO trials ever encompass the “whole earth” - (i) Noah’s flood and (ii) the Great Tribulation. But to be “KEPT from this TIME, or “hour” of Trial is CONDITIONAL. It is BECAUSE a Christian has kept the word of the the patience of Jesus. Nearly all of the problems that beset Christians after they have started well, is the delay of the Lord's Coming (e.g. Matt.24:44-51, 2nd Pet.3:3)
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