I guess that depends on what you call a glorious life.
Do the Christians in China who have only little scraps of the Bible and meet in secret have a glorious life on this earth? Or the Somalians who are nailed to their door posts and their wives and children taken as slaves live a glorious life? all over the middle east, asia and africa Christians are murdered, burned alive, their property taken, their children forced into forced labour, their wives turned into sex slaves, is this glorious living on this earth?
All of the disciples of Jesus horrifically murdered, beaten, stoned, and imprisoned, is this glorious living? Paul said he has learned to be abased and abound as a Christian. All the way up to the middle of the third century Christians were hunted and tormented and killed for the faith, why should we be different? Because the western world have have created where wealth favors the corrupt and the wicked and as long as we don't upset the apple cart they leave us be; for now kind of. Where your right to worship is just fine as long as you don't hold a public job, or hold a prayer meeting on public property.