Satan is the arch Deceiver and Liar of the world. He is also the arch Destroyer of humanity. His agenda is to (1) STEAL, (2) KILL and (3) DESTROY. His ultimate goal is to send billions to Hell (the Lake of Fire), which he knows is reserved for him and his evil angels. Therefore he has taken complete control of the Democratic party in the USA, to ensure that everything that is possible is done quickly to destroy America (the last bastion of liberty).
If America is destroyed, then godless Communist China can take control of the world until the Antichrist is revealed. There will no more be a "free world", and all of humanity will be enslaved. This will make it easy for the Antichrist to impose his will on the unbelieving and ungodly of the world, and brand everyone with the Mark of the Beast (probably administered as a future *vaccine* dose to "protect you from variants of COVID" or some such nonsense).
While in older countries and civilizations there were upper and lower classes, America did not have a class system. This allowed people with virtually nothing to work and achieve something under the Constitution and laws of America. And many did. Booker T. Washington, who was a slave, rose to become a respected Christian educator and leader of the black community, respected by both blacks and whites. All should read his book "Up from Slavery". But the Communists decided to use race to divide America, and it has succeeded beautifully. Now United Airlines will use race as the criterion for hiring and training pilots, so that you can put your life into the hands of an incompetent when flying (provided you have your *Vaccine Passport*). So if the virus does not kill you, the pilot will.
However, those who took oaths of office to defend and uphold the Constitution, and to protect and preserve America from all enemies domestic and foreign, deliberately betrayed their oaths, and began working for the enemies of America. The ultimate betrayal was through the election fraud of 2020, which was upheld by the Supreme Court no less!
Now Satan has full control of America, and people can see day by day that it is being systematically destroyed from within. The totally open southern border is a sign of what is happening to the USA, while everyone just stands by and does nothing. The use of Black Racism as a government policy is meant to undermine the concept of liberty and justice for all, making some more equal than others on the basis of skin color. The spending of trillions of dollars (which are created out of thin air) is meant to destroy any semblance of economic stability. And the money will be spent for "social justice" and "reparations" and "Cancel Culture".
However, the most powerful weapon which Satan has unleashed on America and the world is the bioweapon of coronavirus -- a strain of flu which should have normally been ignored, while ordinary health precautions were taken. Many people do not wish to accept the fact that there was a COVID Conspiracy which was hatched in 2017, and made to be implemented in the year when Donald Trump would seek re-election as a non-globalist president (who was nevertheless inconsistent and sabotaged himself). Many "untouchable" billionaires are a part of this conspiracy. But the mainstream media will not allow the truth to come out.
The day when January 1, 2020 arrived was the day that the COVID conspiracy was unleashed. And no country in the world made the effort to investigate the conspiracy and deal with the conspirators and the fallout. Their goal was not simply to destroy lives, livelihoods, and economies through lockdowns, masking, and distancing, along with numerous restrictions, but to rob people of their constitutional freedoms, and then to prepare them for a global vaccination campaign with bogus vaccines. These so-called vaccines are NOT vaccines at all. They are designed to depopulate countries while they damage the health of billions. Which will mean the destabilization of all societies. America is being destabilized every day, and nothing is being done to stem the tide. So by the end of 2021 you will see the "Peoples Republic of Amerika" well and truly entrenched. Which means that the Constitution will become totally meaningless, and future elections will simply be a farce.
What should Christians do? Christians should totally REJECT the narrative which is coming from the powers that be, and refuse to let governments control what they do for the Kingdom of God. Christians should also be willing to take governments to court to prove that they have a genuine case regarding a genuine pandemic. A superior court in Weimar, Germany has already ruled that lockdowns are not only unconstitutional but an attack on human dignity. A Nuremberg trial is being prepared by a German lawyer, with the cooperation of many other lawyers. Had all evangelical and fundamental churches resolved in March 2020 to resist every effort by governments to disrupt and shut down their church services, none of the governments would have dared lock up millions of Christians while constitutions were still in force.
If America is destroyed, then godless Communist China can take control of the world until the Antichrist is revealed. There will no more be a "free world", and all of humanity will be enslaved. This will make it easy for the Antichrist to impose his will on the unbelieving and ungodly of the world, and brand everyone with the Mark of the Beast (probably administered as a future *vaccine* dose to "protect you from variants of COVID" or some such nonsense).
While in older countries and civilizations there were upper and lower classes, America did not have a class system. This allowed people with virtually nothing to work and achieve something under the Constitution and laws of America. And many did. Booker T. Washington, who was a slave, rose to become a respected Christian educator and leader of the black community, respected by both blacks and whites. All should read his book "Up from Slavery". But the Communists decided to use race to divide America, and it has succeeded beautifully. Now United Airlines will use race as the criterion for hiring and training pilots, so that you can put your life into the hands of an incompetent when flying (provided you have your *Vaccine Passport*). So if the virus does not kill you, the pilot will.
However, those who took oaths of office to defend and uphold the Constitution, and to protect and preserve America from all enemies domestic and foreign, deliberately betrayed their oaths, and began working for the enemies of America. The ultimate betrayal was through the election fraud of 2020, which was upheld by the Supreme Court no less!
Now Satan has full control of America, and people can see day by day that it is being systematically destroyed from within. The totally open southern border is a sign of what is happening to the USA, while everyone just stands by and does nothing. The use of Black Racism as a government policy is meant to undermine the concept of liberty and justice for all, making some more equal than others on the basis of skin color. The spending of trillions of dollars (which are created out of thin air) is meant to destroy any semblance of economic stability. And the money will be spent for "social justice" and "reparations" and "Cancel Culture".
However, the most powerful weapon which Satan has unleashed on America and the world is the bioweapon of coronavirus -- a strain of flu which should have normally been ignored, while ordinary health precautions were taken. Many people do not wish to accept the fact that there was a COVID Conspiracy which was hatched in 2017, and made to be implemented in the year when Donald Trump would seek re-election as a non-globalist president (who was nevertheless inconsistent and sabotaged himself). Many "untouchable" billionaires are a part of this conspiracy. But the mainstream media will not allow the truth to come out.
The day when January 1, 2020 arrived was the day that the COVID conspiracy was unleashed. And no country in the world made the effort to investigate the conspiracy and deal with the conspirators and the fallout. Their goal was not simply to destroy lives, livelihoods, and economies through lockdowns, masking, and distancing, along with numerous restrictions, but to rob people of their constitutional freedoms, and then to prepare them for a global vaccination campaign with bogus vaccines. These so-called vaccines are NOT vaccines at all. They are designed to depopulate countries while they damage the health of billions. Which will mean the destabilization of all societies. America is being destabilized every day, and nothing is being done to stem the tide. So by the end of 2021 you will see the "Peoples Republic of Amerika" well and truly entrenched. Which means that the Constitution will become totally meaningless, and future elections will simply be a farce.
What should Christians do? Christians should totally REJECT the narrative which is coming from the powers that be, and refuse to let governments control what they do for the Kingdom of God. Christians should also be willing to take governments to court to prove that they have a genuine case regarding a genuine pandemic. A superior court in Weimar, Germany has already ruled that lockdowns are not only unconstitutional but an attack on human dignity. A Nuremberg trial is being prepared by a German lawyer, with the cooperation of many other lawyers. Had all evangelical and fundamental churches resolved in March 2020 to resist every effort by governments to disrupt and shut down their church services, none of the governments would have dared lock up millions of Christians while constitutions were still in force.
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