I love David Horowitz. He is probably the writer I most agree with on what is going on in this once-free country (where we once had a vote but no longer do because thugs can insert fake ballots to their hearts' content and get away with it)
Mr Horowitz said EXACTLY what I was thinking: that the "Republicans" (most of them seem t o be rinos) in Congress generally always try to appease the Dems because they think that makes them look "reasonable."
Excuse me?
The Dems are NOT reasonable.
Hey, just like Satan. Satan knows his lies are not "reasonable" vis a vis Christ's WORD (His Commandments) so he tries to make everyone accept the hackneyed word/concept (etc): Freedom, as though freedom is a god. And a lot of americans have bought into it... too many.
and it IS a god--for those who do not know God through Jesus Christ...
to us, Jesus is God ("If you have seen Me you have seen the Father" etc...)
Anyway... I was going to add something but have momentarily forgotten what it was...
Mr Horowitz said EXACTLY what I was thinking: that the "Republicans" (most of them seem t o be rinos) in Congress generally always try to appease the Dems because they think that makes them look "reasonable."
Excuse me?
The Dems are NOT reasonable.
Hey, just like Satan. Satan knows his lies are not "reasonable" vis a vis Christ's WORD (His Commandments) so he tries to make everyone accept the hackneyed word/concept (etc): Freedom, as though freedom is a god. And a lot of americans have bought into it... too many.
and it IS a god--for those who do not know God through Jesus Christ...
to us, Jesus is God ("If you have seen Me you have seen the Father" etc...)
Anyway... I was going to add something but have momentarily forgotten what it was...
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