I'm not afraid to date. I can't be bothered and gave up on it.
There's a drought of quality women in this country and they won't settle for Mr Average. A lot of them are quite full of themselves and have a long list of boxes that no man could ever hope to completely tick. I wouldn't rate my chances to be very high even if I did want to date.
Totally relate to this sentiment, but opposite sex.
Sometimes, it seems like guys my age are looking for (in the following order):
- Athletic, thin or (at most) healthy, no overweight girls need apply,
- Not too tall, but not too short,
- Smart enough to follow a recipe, but not smarter than her man,
- Social graces of a lady, culinary skills of a chef, hands of a masseuse
Sorry, I'm pretty outspoken and well-read. I try not to be rude, but I'm not genteel, however hard I try. One of my personal mottos is "It's nice to be nice," and another is, "What would Jesus say about what I'm doing?" But I don't always live up to my goals. I'm healthy, but even if I lose the extra weight, I'll never be thin (trust me, it isn't worth it). And athletics? Forgeddaboutit. I'd rather curl up with a good book than spend my Saturday rock-wall-climbing or playing Tennis till the sun went down or kicking around a soccer ball.
I worry that, if I ever do find a guy who's looking for a gal like me, he'll not be the one God wants me with and I'll have to throw him back into the ocean with all the other fish.
I'm not scared of dating. I think, at this point, I'm just slightly jaded.