Learn to only see yourself as this..... and you and God have the same perspective of who you have become, "in Christ", as a born again "new creation".
If you are born again, and not just water baptized, you now exist as a ""citizen of heaven"", "in Christ", born again into the ""household of God".
If you are born again, then you are this..
1.) Saint
2. ) Heir of God
3. ) Joint heir with Christ
4. ) Blood bought
5. ) Redeemed by the BLood of the Lamb
6.) Temple of the Holy Spirit
7.) Friend of God
8.) One with God
9.) IN Christ
10.) Son of God/Daughter of Christ
11.) Bride of Christ
12.) Made Righteous
Notice what isn't on the list? Its this...>"saved sinner".
You are not a saved sinner. You are a New Creation, in Christ.
= Do you have it???
Lets look at Salvation.
Having Salvation is to BE saved. Its not a process. Its not something you try to earn. Salvation is something that has happened that caused you to go from "ungodly" to "made righteous" as a "new creation.... From Christ rejector to "Saint", & "heir of God".
God caused this to happen to you. He CAUSED it. You RECEIVED IT. Salvation is a "GIFT". "THE GIFT of Salvation". And what is this gift? Its to become what you were not before because God gave you something that you now possess. What is that? Its this..."The GIFT of Righteousness".
See, Salvation is really just one simple but eternally profound thing. God has made you, Spiritually, to exist in His Spirit, as "ONE with God", and in God there is only Purity, Holiness, Righteousness, Truth, and Light". And when you are born again, you now exit by this new birth in the Spirit as "the righteousness of God, in Christ". This is who you have become, and remain. This is who God recognizes you to be, forever.Learn to only see yourself as this..... and you and God have the same perspective of who you have become, "in Christ", as a born again "new creation".
If you are born again, and not just water baptized, you now exist as a ""citizen of heaven"", "in Christ", born again into the ""household of God".
If you are born again, then you are this..
1.) Saint
2. ) Heir of God
3. ) Joint heir with Christ
4. ) Blood bought
5. ) Redeemed by the BLood of the Lamb
6.) Temple of the Holy Spirit
7.) Friend of God
8.) One with God
9.) IN Christ
10.) Son of God/Daughter of Christ
11.) Bride of Christ
12.) Made Righteous
Notice what isn't on the list? Its this...>"saved sinner".
You are not a saved sinner. You are a New Creation, in Christ.
To be saved is the exact same thing as being "born again" or "In Christ".
Salvation is to be "One with God and Christ", joined spiritually.
The proof you are, is not your water baptism or your church membership.
But rather its to become "ONE with God, and Christ'.
Salvation, is to exit IN God and God in you.
= "Christ IN YOU< THE Hope......of Glory".
How do you know if you are saved? You are born again. And how do you know if you are born again? By this...."Christ in You".
To be that, is a ETERNAL situation.
Eternal life, is not temporary, and once you have become a part of God, you have the Life that is eternal, because you are become a part of God's Spirit.
Jesus is eternal life and by being "in Christ", = you have eternal life.
Christ Himself is eternal life, and if you have Christ in you.....then you have eternal life.
God does not partly save, and God does not require you to maintain your salvation, as Salvation is a GIFT.
Now, your discipleship, is yours to supply, but salvation is God's alone to Give.
You can no more keep yourself saved than you can be the blood of Jesus.
You can no more stop being saved, then you can stop being born.
Imagine the foolishness of being on a forum trying to prove you can stop being born.
Imagine telling your mother that you have no more desire to be born, no more faith to be hers, and so, you now think you are no longer born.
That is exactly the same nonsense as believing you can lose your salvation. Listen, can you lose a BIRTH?. No you can't.
What would she think if you told her you were no longer born? Would she think you have lost your sanity?
So, imagine what God thinks when some try to prove they can stop being born again.
Don't be that deceived one.
Now, lets look at HOW you went from being a lost sinner to : saved Saint.
How you went from lost and alone in this world, to being a eternal heir of God, and a eternal Joint heir with Christ. ....How you went from Hell bound unbeliever, to Heaven's born again eternal child.
It happened like this..
God had to resolve your sin issue for you, as its your sin that had stopped all relationship between you and God.
Had you gone to hell, it would not have been because you are a bad person, but its because you were not restored to eternal spiritual relationship with God before you died.. =(Born again........See, all the people who went to hell today, and are now scheduled to final judgement.. Revelation 20:11.... are not God's Family.
They belong to the devil. ...He is their Father. So, the unbelievers again end up with their Father in eternity, and the born again end up with their Father in Heaven. you are there now if you are born again. You are "seated in Heavenly places, in Christ"......right now.
So, God came here, to provide you with the only means to be restored back into His Eternal life, which is His family.
To do that, God had to make you as righteous as He is in a way that keeps you the same, for eternity.
See, if the righteousness He gave you could be stopped, then its no good.
But because the "gift of righteousness" is not related to your behavior and is always unchanging, you exist always as "the righteousness of God, in Christ", = based on what Christ has provided for you.
God had to make you as sinless as He is to save you.....and the only means to do this is for God to offer His own Blood for you.
Jesus is God as Christ on the Cross.
And when Jesus shed His blood, He is shedding God's blood for you.
And there is POWER in this Holy Blood. There is Eternal LIFE in this Holy Blood. There is forgiveness for all sin of the world in this Holy blood. And If this blood has touched you, then you are CLEAN forever, redeemed forever, forgiven for all eternity.
God's blood is not a partial or temporary resolution of your sin, it is in fact THE Eternal redemption supplied for you, as "the Gift of Salvation" and the BLood Atonement, and the "Gift of Righteousness".
= Do you have it???
God's blood is not a partial payment or a temporary solution for all your sin, and knowing this is to understand the Grace of God that is the Blood of Jesus.
God's blood shed for you is why God accepts you, and no other reason need apply.
See, God never accepts you based on you. He never takes you based on you.
God never keeps you based on you..
Its only God's BLOOD and Death of Christ that God accepts to accept you, and nothing else.
Reader....Unless God's blood has made you acceptable to GOD, then you are NOT.
Also......Never believe that after you are saved,... you can DO anything that will cause God to keep you, as if you believe this, you have fallen from Grace and become a self saving legalist.
There is no self saving. There is no keeping salvation based on YOURSELF.
There is only the Gift of God , that is God's blood that made you righteous, and keeps you righteous.
Jesus is God's Blood being shed, so if you have Jesus in you, then you have God's blood shed for you.
Why does God accept you, based 0nly on His Blood and death as provided by Christ on the Cross?
Its because His blood so cleanses you, so perfects you, so sanctifies you, and so redeems you, that the eternal effect of it is that you are "made righteous", forever.
IN other words, when God as Christ on the Cross became your sin, you became Christ's very righteousness. This is the Divine Exchange, and you should mediate on this eternal reality.
When you were born again, ...not just water baptized, but, BORN AGAIN, .. then God's very righteousness became who you are, right now, and forever more.
That is the eternal effect, of "the Gift of Salvation". which is the "Gift of Righteousness".
God gave you for free, = the GIFT of becoming as Righteous as He is, and remaining so throughout eternity.
This is "the GIFT of Salvation".
This cost you nothing but your faith in Christ, while it Cost God His Son and His own Blood.
Hallelujah. !
Great is the Lamb of God who was slain for us, and Great is the King of Glory who is alive and is coming back soon.
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