I have met very few Catholics that have actually read the Bible. I'm not being dramatic or anything, that's just absolutely been my experience and half of my family is born and raised Catholic. They all pray constantly, they all take the Lord's name in vain and they all get immediately defensive if someone says something bad about the Church or God. It's just strange, in my opinion. How can you feel like your religion is your lifestyle but never read the Bible? I mean be TOTALLY CLUELESS about what it says in there unless it's part of a prayer they had to memorize.
My 2 little nephews currently attend a Catholic school. They're like 5 and 6. Anyway, one of them said to me 'I believe in God the Father and Jesus is his son and the Mother Mary.'
I don't think Catholicism is evil but it is certainly quite different from Protestantism. I would say most people learn the big 3 as the trinity- Father, Son and Holy Spirit. So far these kids have learned about 3 separate people- God, Jesus and Mary.
So strange. Growing up, I remember the Catholic half of my family teasing the Protestant half of my family about 'worshiping Jesus.' Like to them it was the funniest thing in the world, but if you ask them if they are saved in Christ they say 'yes.'
I TOTALLY RELATE TO YOU RAINACORN! My whoooooooooooole family is catholic, and some of them are very devout but don't read the Bible. Weird right? How can you be devout and not know the Word of God? Because they just pray and like you say, they just pray some parts they have to memorize so they don't need to open the Bible. I'm not trying to offend but since I'm somebody who was catholic I didn't feel I had a relationship with God . My experience was not good being catholic, and by the way I wasn't just a catholic that doesn't go to church unless is christmas, although me and my family didn't go ALL sundays, my mom is STILL a very good friend of a priest. And we used to pray and my mom has several angels and Mary and Jesus pictures in the house for veneration.
The priest used to go dinner to the house, and what is still weird to me, is how he neveeer read the Bible to my parents or told them heyy you should read matthew or this or that you know? He just told them to read a particular psalm and repeat those verses at night. I was likee whaaaat? And it's funny how they don't mention Jesus a lot, but Mary :/. This happened not just in his church, but in all churches where I lived. They just focused in some prays but didn't tell how hoy to have a relationship with Jesus.
Like you said rainacorn, some catholics even laugh if you dare to sayy I LOVE JESUSS! He is my savior! but ask them and they will say yess we believe in Him, Jesus saved us. Like whaaat!?????????????????
So from my experience, it's not evil, but it doesn't teach you who is really the savior and a lot of people fall into idol worship, and you may as well qualify it as evil for that. My mom doesn't realize that she is worshipping Mary more than Jesus, but goosh I can't tell her because that would be a big offense. :/
I'm sure they don't intent to be evil, but I think most people don't get a real experience with God.