"Abortion is a blessing,abortion is an act of love, abortion is freedom" said a Texas abortion provider testifying during a House Oversight Committee hearing on abortion restrictions. She was speaking against the Texas bill banning abortions after a fetal heartbeat can be detected. If that comment wasn't incredulous enough she continued saying the " law has disproportionally hurt minorities. I know firsthand that abortion saves lives."
I say it often, you can't support abortion and be a Christian. It simple isn't possible. But these comments are literally detached from reality. Abortion hits minorties the hardest. And that's because that's what racist founder Margret Sanger intended it to do. Planned Parenthood carries on her racist work to this day. 60 million abortions since Roe and she claims abortions saves lives. Can you fathom saying abortion is an act of love?! Crazy world we live in.
I say it often, you can't support abortion and be a Christian. It simple isn't possible. But these comments are literally detached from reality. Abortion hits minorties the hardest. And that's because that's what racist founder Margret Sanger intended it to do. Planned Parenthood carries on her racist work to this day. 60 million abortions since Roe and she claims abortions saves lives. Can you fathom saying abortion is an act of love?! Crazy world we live in.
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