it's time for a change... a change in a way that people are truly happy. i don't know how many of you actually know the truth of how corrupt this country is, but education is key to identifying false anything... false prophets, false advertisement, false claims, etc. we NEED to be educated for the sake of humanity. i recently have been getting epiphanies about the sake of humanity. i'll lay it out plain and simple... people want power in a sense of money, which is THE biggest corruption of all. money is what changes people to be immoral due to the selfishness of gaining so called "happiness" or materialism, but people don't realize what happiness is truly about... that heart warming sensation of selflessness and love. Jesus came to show us the Word, but so many of us have forgotten what it's all about... LOVE! being happy is so cheap, but in today's world people are always looking for what society portrays happiness to be... materialism and doing things that further our hearts from God and happiness. for example, not many people know that diseases and cancer are reversible, and it has to do with our health. or another example is, loving everything God created will give you a sense of peace and true happiness. when we pump ourselves full of chemicals like GMO's, preservatives, artificial flavor, or other man-made items, we are becoming more vulnerable by not having the energy and the strength to know the facts so therefore we remain ignorant; not because we choose to be but because the devil won't give up to see us fail and not be happy. who do you think the people that turn corrupt are? anyone who has authority or money... the devil WILL keep working until he is destroyed once and for all and will target people that can be corrupted. corrupt people know that we don't need them over time... especially as time keeps proceeding into a time where disease, cancer and depression are sky-rocketing. here's an absolutely crazy fact... the US spends the most money by a large majority on healthcare, when in reality it is the 34th healthiest country in the world... what the heck!? by keeping people sick and unhealthy, the gov't can take advantage of people because we want to trust our government, right? especially when we don't have the energy level (depression) or time to care or allow ourselves to discover the truth, especially when the gov't is targeting kids to prevent them from getting a real education. also look at the power in the government and see where these people came from and you will shocked to see they come from big corporations like pharmaceutical and companies like Monsanto (biggest joke company ever). instead, they make sure kids are learning biased information and promote techniques to target kids' health both mentally and physically, which both come back to what we take into our bodies and the fact that kid's are very gullible. this isn't the only thing of course, what's the best way to control someone? by drugs of course! look around... so many people are on so called "medications" when in reality God already has everything we need already here! i know i never knew about alternative medicine until about a year ago... have you ever looked at the laws regarding natural medicine? the doctors you go visit CANNOT practice alternative medicine and most doctors don't even have any background in nutrition, the fundamentals of our whole being! i even knew a doctor that was told he had to stop practicing what he was doing (giving patients natural hormones which your body makes itself--like a jump start to your body--instead of prescription drugs) or he would be fired because the hospital wasn't making money from his practice! or what about how people get denied medical help because they can't pay for the outrageous costs of getting healthy!? this is absolutely crazy... now let's talk about the dumbing down of america since i gave some background about how we want to trust the government since after all, they are suppose to be there for the people not their own selfish needs. vaccines, flouride and chlorine are finally starting to surface as health problems... flouride has been put into our tap water for years, what the heck!?(if you don't know the facts about flouride, read the article below) vaccines are also surfacing their true effects on our health as well (also below). if people aren't questioning what is truly in these medications (because we've been dumbed down), then the government can manipulate who ever... who's got the money? and what is money? CORRUPTION... in a sense that people are bought off from exposing the truth or it just sounds goofy and unrealistic since not many people agree this way... truth is though, the truth always surfaces, and God will always come out on top. things won't change in this country until we keep praying that he helps unite us all in a sake for humanity... in my epiphanies i didn't understand at first why God would be showing me all of this truth, but He helped me realize that NOW is a time for a change before it's too late for humanity. by too late, i mean The Rapture... God is always working, so what humanity is on track for right now CAN be changed if we all start loving and appreciate everything God has done for us and His creations and getting rid of all the negativities in our life like stress and the burden of sin. for in love is when God really talks to your heart and fills you with the Spirit. let's reunite this world, so nobody has to live in despair and unhappiness... let's remember who we are and what our purpose truly is while we are on this physical, temporary place! let us rejoice and praise God and let Him guide us! God bless you all