Please read the very bottom, too, I just raised the stake$$$$
My nic has to do with three, or, four, (or five or six, LOL) GREEN things of my life, they are distinct people, places, or things.
violakat -- You play the viola and your name is Katherine is all I can think of, logically. Ilogically, I would say what S_K_T said, LOL, you have a cat and a viola and the cat likess it when you play.
Seek_King_Truth - seeking truth. God is truth? The underscores arrangement is what befuddles me most.. And, yeah, LOL, SKT, no, you and crypto were just having fun, no worries, and, yes, you were challenged.
allforfun - idk. Toughie. Vague like your teacher telling you your 'report research paper' topic is too BIG.
Hmm, need a clue, I am trying to think of a saying or slogan to go along with those three words. Fun for one, for all? Circus? Guess: all life is fun for you.
Shellybell - name is shelly and you're a southern girl? Favorite # is 7 .
Scott- name is Scott , and, yes, Star Trek comes to mind.
Tif -- yeah, I can only guess your name is Tiffany. That's going to be very tough for us to guess, IMHO, if that's not right.
--Whyllow - From your dragony avatar, it make me think science fiction, but not sure Bosio. there was a blockbuster flop in 80s called 'Willow' . Didnt video game Nintendo Link have a character name willow?. So why low?
Hmm, like many of these nics, I need more clues.
Megatron - transformers character is obvious, but... WHY you picked that nic is not. Megatron was a leader, so, maybe you want/are a youth group leader.
Julianna - yeah, your nic is just not your real name, but why for you pick it? What/who name after?
----------ook, peeps, PAY ATTENTION TO THIS NEXT PART, THERE'S green stuff involved
Ok, hey, people, let's make this just getting started.... so, as long as not too embarrassed or too personal, pleeeease, join in on the nickname game. Give us some clues of your nic's REAL MEANING and let us c.c. friends have at it

The Lord leads.
Let's OUT some money on this too, so....
Whoever can guess the most people's nicknames (please keep track of nics the nicknamed ones officially tell you 'you're correct, ' . well, ok, do that , then at the end of this game, which will be the LAST Sunday in June, I will send you a little cash to the WINNER. $1 for every person's nickname you guess , up to $50.
This money will come from my Paypal account, you MUST have a Paypal account.
SO, keep me posted of all the nics you've guessed thru the end of this June monte, I guess best way is they DAILY updates vía private messages to me.
I hope that all make perfect cents . So, get cracking, understand those clues, get on that scent !
Money is involved now, but keep it nice, guessing as Jesús would do, and, have fun, God bless.