• Gen 1:16 . . He made the stars also.
God not only made the stars, but He set them in motion too. For example;
it's been discovered that the universe is expanding in all directions like an
inflating balloon; and contrary to common sense and Newton's laws of
gravity, the velocity of its expansion isn't slowing down; nor is it steady. The
velocity of the universe's expansion is actually increasing and nobody yet
has been able to figure out exactly what's making it do that.
• Gen 1:16 . . He made the stars also.
God not only made the stars, but He set them in motion too. For example;
it's been discovered that the universe is expanding in all directions like an
inflating balloon; and contrary to common sense and Newton's laws of
gravity, the velocity of its expansion isn't slowing down; nor is it steady. The
velocity of the universe's expansion is actually increasing and nobody yet
has been able to figure out exactly what's making it do that.
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