I hope so. I hope that many will get involved in local politics before it's too late. Those who live in pockets of only Americans don't know what it's like to have your area flooded with foreigners. I was hospitalized and sleeping and something woke me up. I saw a woman in a burka trying to steal my wallet. I yelled at her and she lied and said she was 'fixing the plug.' Duh! My wallet is NOT the plug. Who is the father of lies?
She worked there and later gave me an ultrasound. I'm intuitive and hate was emanating from her eyes. I have lived a long time and she had something akin to demonic in her eyes.
I am disappointed that Americans are huddled in their houses not saying a word. Not taking action. I know it seems futile at times but what's the alternative? Every remnant of America goes down the drain? I spoke with someone who went to Florida who told me they were the only non-foreigners where they were. When you get that many people flooding in there is going to be trouble. We got a government document that was translated into about 15 languages! My spouse looked at the lengthy document and remarked how much that must have cost to print.
What's even worse are the innocent children being sent here and who get used for human trafficking. I wish the parents knew what they were sending their children into. It's heartbreaking.
Where are Americans? Why don't they speak up?
She worked there and later gave me an ultrasound. I'm intuitive and hate was emanating from her eyes. I have lived a long time and she had something akin to demonic in her eyes.
I am disappointed that Americans are huddled in their houses not saying a word. Not taking action. I know it seems futile at times but what's the alternative? Every remnant of America goes down the drain? I spoke with someone who went to Florida who told me they were the only non-foreigners where they were. When you get that many people flooding in there is going to be trouble. We got a government document that was translated into about 15 languages! My spouse looked at the lengthy document and remarked how much that must have cost to print.
What's even worse are the innocent children being sent here and who get used for human trafficking. I wish the parents knew what they were sending their children into. It's heartbreaking.
Where are Americans? Why don't they speak up?
You seem very intent on passing judgements on those who are not American. I refer to your judgement of those who are not, for in your descriptive words "I saw a woman WEARING A BURKA trying to steal my wallet." Could this have been explained "a woman tried to steal my wallet" Again expressing my opinion could this statement lead some to believe you have issues with others of a different nationality? Or possibly you do have issues with those that are different which is between you and God. Again, it's not always what we say (or in this case post) but how we say and or post it. We were not in the garden when God created Adam then Eve, who is to say these two individuals were, as in some eyes "white" just a thought.
As I read on you described this same woman "as having hate emanating from her eyes.... akin to demonic in her eyes because you are intuitive." Nothing wrong with being intuitive but to take what you felt from an experience you had with an individual of whom you were angry with and continue to degrade her with your judgements against her is definitely not what we are called to do which is forgive. We all get angry and it is not a sin, it becomes a sin when we act on our anger against God.
"You are disappointed with us as Americans huddled in our houses not saying a word, not taking action." This statement in itself can be viewed as it was by me to be inciteful. "...Not taking action?" Let me ask what "action" would you advise? I would very much appreciate your answer on this one. Disappointment is a part of life as we all have experienced in some way, shape or form and there is a way of which mine appears to be completely different from yours. You asked what is the alternative? My first thought was stay in continued prayer asking God to continue to bring the unjust to justice (as is currently happening) maybe not as quick as we would like but it will be in God's timing not ours. AND when its time we vote to disarm current politicians from office in which we disagree with their policies. Voting for one because we do not like the other is possibly some of the reason we have the administration we do today. Please note I said possibly. I listened to quite a few individuals when asked who they are voting for and why I heard for the most part "I'm voting for Biden and the reason - "he's a nice guy" I must wonder today how they feel now given our current state of affairs.
I DO NOT believe in open borders, but unlike your assessment "with that many people flooding in there is going to be trouble" I do agree but my point appears to differ from yours in the fact they are not being vetted which allows drug cartels, human trafficking, gang members, murderers along with others that break our laws. An added point of which I noted in your posting was "a document translated into 15 different languages" with your spouse making a comment on "how much paper that must have taken"
And the woman you spoke of in Florida sharing "we were the only non-foreigners where we were" Statements that you made throughout your post gave me as I read them pause to always desire remember to check my heart in how I think, I act and what I say, It's possible you have issues with those who do not have the physical make up that you do (they are of a different race) if I could ask only one thing it would be that we all look on different races like Martin Luther King Jr. did "It's not the color of one's skin (I would add nor the language they speak) but from within." There are people of all color, all languages, wouldn't our world be a much better place to live in if we could all work to get along the best to our ability.
Lastly: To clear up thoughts that may have entered into anyone's mind. I am American (although at times not always proud at how we act in treating other people.) My husband, of whom I have been blessed to be married to for 43 years is a U.S. Veteran who is among the millions of others who proudly fought for the freedoms we have enjoyed. ALSO, we are in NO WAY, SHAPE OR FORM a Biden supporter. I do not believe Biden or his administration really care. My thought is that his agenda is only political and the polling is shows his numbers continue to decline.
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