My personal bias?
I personally cannot even stand to be within 50 feet of those popular girls in middle and high schools. Oh, you know the ones. They all have the same bleach-blond hair, perfect teeth, tanning-salon skin, too-short shorts (when they're not wearing their cheer outfits), and they never carry books, because school isn't for learning, for them. It's for feeding on chum, like the evil sharks they are.
Of course I realize it isn't a completely rational thing, to believe that about every blond 13-18 year-old with good teeth and skin. But when I see them, somehow it feels just like high school again. Ah, to be an adult!
Oh, and clowns. I don't like clowns. Not in that the-clowns-are-gonna-get-me kind of way; I just don't trust someone who has to paint their smile on.